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  • Drilling Crawler Chassis |Hans Exploration Drill Rig

    Khung gầm máy khoan bánh xích HS30L Khung xe tập đi SH30-L với bánh xích cao su tháp Ưu điểm của khung xe tập đi SH30-L với rãnh cao su tháp: 1. Phạm vi sử dụng rộng rãi, cấu trúc đơn giản, truyền động ổn định, hoạt động tiết kiệm lao động, dễ dàng thực hiện điều khiển tự động; 2. Thích hợp cho các điều kiện đường xá phức tạp như đầm lầy, bãi sông, sa mạc, cánh đồng lúa, rừng mưa nhiệt đới, tuyết, v.v.; 3. Lực kéo lớn, hiệu suất leo dốc tốt, khả năng vận chuyển mạnh mẽ, khả năng chịu lực rộng; 4. Bán kính quay vòng nhỏ và khả năng cơ động linh hoạt, đặc biệt phù hợp với địa hình hẹp và phức tạp; 5. Di chuyển máy nhanh chóng, thuận tiện, cường độ lao động của công nhân thấp, tiết kiệm chi phí thuê nhân công hàng ngày. Kích thước (L × W × H) 3000mmx1650mmx660mm Chiều cao hiệu quả của tháp khoan 5800mm Hộp số Đầu tiên 3 xuống 1 nhanh / chậm Giải phóng mặt bằng 300mm Theo dõi khoảng cách trung tâm 1200mm Góc leo núi ≤25 độ Thợ làm bia 350mmx90mmx54 hải lý Nền tảng outrigger xi lanh Đường kính ngoài / đường kính thanh x hành trình: Ø95 / 50mmx500mm PERFORMANCE he HS-2A Electric Engine Sampling Drilling Rig, produced by HANS, is a versatile drilling machine designed for various applications, including geological, industrial, civil engineering, and more. Based on the provided information, here are the notable features and performance aspects of this rig: Compact and Lightweight: The rig's compact structure and small volume make it highly portable and easy to transport. Its light weight further enhances its mobility, allowing it to be moved quickly between different job sites. Electric Engine: Being powered by an electric engine, this drilling rig offers environmental advantages by producing fewer emissions and less noise compared to gasoline or diesel-powered rigs. It may also be suitable for indoor or urban drilling operations where emissions need to be minimized. Two Gears: The inclusion of two gears provides flexibility in drilling operations. Different gear settings allow the operator to adjust drilling speed and power according to the specific requirements of the project, whether it's for sampling, grouting, or other drilling tasks. Versatility: The rig's versatility is highlighted by its suitability for a wide range of applications. It can be used for geological exploration, civil engineering projects (e.g., building foundations, bridges, highways), geophysical surveys, advanced drilling and grouting tasks, as well as well-checking for small household wells. Ease of Movement: The rig's design makes it easy to move from one location to another. This is particularly important when working in remote or challenging terrains or when frequent relocation is required during a project. Drilling Depth and Capability: Specific drilling depth and capability details may vary depending on the model and configuration, but the rig should be capable of drilling to sufficient depths for the intended applications. Safety Features: Safety considerations are crucial in drilling operations. The rig may incorporate safety features to protect the operator and ensure safe drilling practices. Sample Handling: The rig is likely equipped with mechanisms for handling and storing collected samples securely until further analysis can be conducted. Proper sample handling is essential for accurate geological or environmental assessments. Environmental Impact: Electric drilling rigs are often chosen for their reduced environmental impact. This feature aligns with environmental regulations and standards for drilling operations. Control System: The rig may feature a user-friendly control system that allows the operator to adjust drilling parameters easily, enhancing precision and efficiency during drilling. Overall, the HS-2A Electric Engine Sampling Drilling Rig from HANS appears to offer a combination of mobility, versatility, and environmental considerations, making it suitable for a wide range of drilling and sampling applications in geological, industrial, and civil engineering contexts. Specific performance metrics and capabilities would depend on the exact model and configuration chosen for a given project. APPLICATION The 2CS Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig has a variety of applications across different industries due to its ability to collect subsurface samples efficiently. The applications for this type of drilling rig: Geological Exploration: This rig is extensively used in geological surveys and exploration to collect rock and soil samples. Geologists use these samples to analyze the composition of the Earth's crust, identify mineral deposits, and study the geological history of an area. Environmental Site Assessments: Environmental scientists and engineers use the drilling rig for site assessments. It allows them to sample soil and groundwater to assess the presence of contaminants and potential environmental hazards. This information is crucial for environmental impact assessments and remediation projects. Mineral Prospecting: In the mining industry, this drilling rig is employed to identify and evaluate mineral resources beneath the surface. Geologists and mining engineers use the collected samples to determine the quality and quantity of valuable minerals, such as ores and precious metals. Groundwater Monitoring: Hydrogeologists use the rig to access underground aquifers and collect water samples for groundwater quality analysis. Monitoring groundwater is essential for managing water resources and ensuring its suitability for consumption and industrial use. Construction and Engineering: Engineers often use this type of drilling rig for soil sampling during construction projects. It helps in assessing soil stability, composition, and bearing capacity to ensure safe and stable construction. Soil Research: Soil scientists and agronomists utilize the rig to study soil properties, nutrient content, and contamination levels. This information is valuable for agricultural research, land use planning, and soil conservation efforts. Foundation Design: Structural engineers employ the rig to collect soil samples to design foundations for buildings and infrastructure projects. Understanding soil characteristics is critical for ensuring the stability and safety of structures. Archeological Excavations: Archaeologists may use this drilling rig to explore historical or archaeological sites. It can help them collect samples from various layers of sediment to uncover artifacts and understand past civilizations. Natural Resource Management: The rig is used in natural resource management to assess the environmental impact of resource extraction activities, such as oil and gas drilling, and to monitor the condition of ecosystems. Research and Education: Academic institutions and research organizations use these drilling rigs for scientific research and educational purposes, teaching students about geological and environmental sampling techniques. The versatility of the 2CS Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig makes it a valuable tool in various fields where subsurface sampling and data collection are essential. Its portability and adaptability make it suitable for both fieldwork in remote locations and urban environments, where precise information about the subsurface is required for decision-making and analysis. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận Partagez vos idées Soyez le premier à rédiger un commentaire. FAQ Q: What diameter is HQ core? Tube sizes SizeHole (outside) diameter, mmCore (inside) diameter, mm HQ9663.5 HQ39661.1 PQ122.685 PQ3122.683 Q: What is HX core size? Letter name specifying the dimensions of core, core barrels, and casing in the H-size and X-series wireline diamond drilling system having a core diameter of 76.2 mm and a hole diameter of 99.2 mm. The HX designation for coring bits has been replaced by the HW designation. Q: What is the difference between HQ3 and PQ3? HQ3 = 63.5mm diameter core, resulting in a 96mm diameter hole. PQ3 = 83mm diameter core, resulting in a 122.3mm diameter hole. Q: What is the diameter of HQ rod? Standard SERIESrod OD (mm)rod ID (mm) BQ / BRQ55.646.1 BRQTK (THIN KERF)55.848.4 NQ / NRQ69.960.3 HQ / HRQ88.977.8

  • HS-2D Electric Sampling Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    Giới thiệu tóm tắt về giàn khoan lấy mẫu động cơ điện HS-2D Máy khoan lấy mẫu động cơ điện HS-2D được sản xuất bởi Hans. Nó phù hợp cho địa chất công trình công nghiệp và dân dụng, cầu, đường sắt, đường cao tốc, khảo sát ngành thủy điện, thăm dò địa vật lý, khoan lỗ khoan và bơm vữa nâng cao, hướng dẫn lỗ nhúng, lỗ hỏng, lỗ và các giếng gia đình nhỏ. Máy khoan lấy mẫu động cơ điện có các tính năng sau: kết cấu nhỏ gọn, khối lượng nhỏ, trọng lượng nhẹ, hai bánh răng, dễ dàng di chuyển. PERFORMANCE The HS-2D Electric Engine Sampling drilling rig , as described, offers several noteworthy performance characteristics that make it suitable for a wide range of applications. The key performance features based on the information provided: Versatility: The rig's suitability for geological, industrial, and civil applications, including building construction, bridges, railways, highways, hydro-power industry surveys, geophysical exploration, drilling , grouting, hole guiding, and well assessments, indicates its versatility and adaptability to diverse projects and environments. Compact and Lightweight: The drilling rig's compact structure, small volume, and light weight enhance its portability and ease of transportation. This makes it well-suited for fieldwork in remote or challenging locations where accessibility is limited. Two Gears: The inclusion of two gears provides flexibility in drilling operations. Operators can adjust drilling speed and power to match the specific requirements of the project, optimizing efficiency and precision. Ease of Movement: The rig's design facilitates easy movement between job sites. Its mobility is a valuable feature, allowing it to be deployed quickly and efficiently to various locations as needed. Sample Quality: While not explicitly mentioned, the compact and lightweight design, along with the two gears for control, may contribute to the collection of high-quality, undisturbed soil and rock samples, which are essential for accurate geological and environmental analysis. Safety Considerations: Safety is paramount in drilling operations. While specific safety features are not detailed, the rig is expected to incorporate safety mechanisms and best practices to protect the operator and ensure safe drilling practices. Environmental Impact: Electric drilling rigs are known for their reduced environmental impact compared to gasoline or diesel-powered rigs. They typically generate fewer emissions and less noise, which can be advantageous, particularly in sensitive or urban areas. Control System: The presence of a control system allows operators to adjust drilling parameters, such as drilling speed and depth, easily. This enhances precision and efficiency during drilling and sampling operations. Cost Efficiency: The rig's design may aim to be cost-effective, considering factors like energy efficiency, low maintenance requirements, and reduced labor costs due to ease of use. Durable Construction: The drilling rig is expected to be constructed with durability in mind to withstand the rigors of drilling operations, ensuring a long service life and minimal downtime for maintenance. Suitability for Various Soil Types: Depending on the drilling methods employed, the drilling rig should be suitable for drilling through various soil and rock types, making it versatile for different geological conditions. Overall, the HS-2D Electric Engine Sampling drilling rig appears to be a versatile and user-friendly tool with a focus on portability, efficiency, and adaptability. Its features make it well-suited for a broad spectrum of geological, industrial, and civil engineering applications, providing a valuable asset for professionals in these fields. Specific performance metrics and capabilities may vary depending on the exact model and configuration chosen for a given project. APPLICATION The HS-2D Electric Engine Sampling drilling rig , produced by Hans, offers a wide range of applications across various industries due to its versatility and portable design. The applications where the rig can be effectively utilized: Geological Exploration: The drilling rig is well-suited for geological exploration projects, allowing geologists to collect soil and rock samples for studying geological formations, mineral resources, and subsurface conditions. Civil Engineering: Civil engineers can use the rig for soil sampling and geological assessments in the planning and construction of buildings, bridges, railways, highways, and other infrastructure projects. It helps ensure the stability and safety of these structures. Hydro-Power Industry: In the hydro-power industry, the rig can be employed for site assessments and soil sampling to determine the suitability of locations for hydroelectric power generation and dam construction. Geophysical Exploration: Geophysicists can utilize the rig for geophysical surveys, investigating subsurface conditions and conducting studies related to mineral resources, groundwater, and geological hazards. Advanced Drilling: The drilling rig is suitable for advanced drilling tasks, which may include specialized sampling methods or accessing deeper layers of soil and rock for specific research or engineering purposes. Grouting Hole Drilling: It can be used in grouting hole drilling , a process often employed in construction and geotechnical engineering to improve the soil's properties for foundation support or sealing purposes. Embedded Hole Guiding: In construction and infrastructure projects, embedded hole guiding can be essential for precise placement of structural elements. The rig can assist in creating the necessary holes for these purposes. Broken Hole Drilling: When repairing or renovating existing structures, the rig can help with drilling broken holes for various repair or reinforcement purposes. Well Assessments: The drilling rig can be utilized for checking small household wells, ensuring the quality and availability of groundwater resources for domestic use. Environmental Site Assessments: Environmental consultants and scientists can employ the rig for soil sampling and site assessments to evaluate contamination levels and assess environmental hazards in industrial and residential areas. Urban Drilling: The rig's compact and lightweight design makes it suitable for drilling in urban environments where space is limited, and noise and emissions need to be minimized. Remote and Challenging Locations: Its portability and ease of movement make it ideal for fieldwork in remote or challenging terrains, such as mountains, forests, or areas with limited accessibility. The HS-2D Electric Engine Sampling drilling rig 's compact structure, small volume, light weight, and two-gear system contribute to its adaptability and ease of use in these applications. Its mobility and versatility make it a valuable tool for professionals across various industries, facilitating efficient and accurate subsurface sampling and data collection. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận Chia sẻ suy nghĩ của bạn Hãy là người đầu tiên viết bình luận. FAQ Q: What do geologists do with the drill cores? Exploration drilling for oil, gas, coal and min- erals retrieves solid cores or cuttings of rock from beneath the earth's surface. Cores and cuttings provide a record of subsurface geol- ogy and data that might not be available in surface exposures where weathering degrades diagnostic organic matter. Q: What are the techniques of mineral exploration? geological mapping, pitting, trenching, drilling by core drills and non-core drills for exploration, sampling, mineralogical and chemical analysis, exploratory mining, etc. which together constitute detailed exploration. Q: What is coring in exploration? Coring is an important process in oil and gas exploration. It refers to the collecting of samples from deep inside the Earth's crust to determine the existence of oil or natural gas. A rock formation suspected of containing oil and gas is drilled using a special coring bit. Q: What are the methods of mineral exploration? Airborne surveys Borehole methods Electromagnetic methods Geochemical surveys Geological surveys Geophysical surveys GIS Gravity methods Inversion Magnetic methods Mineral exploration Mineral resources Modeling Remote sensing Rock physics Radiometry Satellite imagery Seismic methods

  • HS-2B Gasoline Sampling Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    Máy khoan lấy mẫu động cơ xăng HS-2B do HANS sản xuất. Nó phù hợp cho địa chất công trình công nghiệp và dân dụng, cầu, đường sắt, đường cao tốc, khảo sát ngành thủy điện, thăm dò địa vật lý, khoan lỗ khoan và bơm vữa nâng cao, hướng dẫn lỗ nhúng, lỗ hỏng, lỗ và các giếng gia đình nhỏ. Máy khoan lấy mẫu động cơ xăng HS-2B có các tính năng: kết cấu nhỏ gọn, thể tích nhỏ, trọng lượng nhẹ, hai bánh răng, dễ dàng di chuyển. Application Geological Surveys: Used for collecting geological samples and conducting subsurface investigations in geological exploration projects. Construction Projects: Suitable for various construction activities in civil engineering, including foundation assessments, site investigations, and drilling for infrastructure development. Transportation Projects: Applied in bridge and railway construction to assess soil and rock conditions and conduct geotechnical investigations. Highway Construction: Used for soil and rock sampling to assess the suitability of the ground for road construction. Hydro-power Industry: Involved in surveys related to hydropower projects, including dam construction and reservoir assessments. Geophysical Exploration: Utilized in geophysical surveys to investigate subsurface conditions and identify potential resources. Drilling and Grouting: Capable of drilling holes for grouting purposes, which is essential in construction and foundation stabilization. Embedded Hole Guiding: Used in projects requiring precision drilling and guiding for embedded components or structures. Well Inspections: Suitable for inspecting and assessing small household wells, ensuring water quality and well integrity. The HS-2B Gasoline Engine Sampling drilling rig 's compact and lightweight design, along with its versatility, makes it a valuable tool for professionals across multiple industries. Whether for geological exploration, construction, or geotechnical investigations, this rig offers flexibility and ease of operation, making it a practical choice for fieldwork in various environments and applications. Performance The "HS-2B Gasoline Engine Sampling drilling rig " manufactured by HANS is a versatile drilling rig designed for various applications in geological, industrial, civil engineering, and exploration fields. The key features and applications of the HS-2B Gasoline Engine Sampling drilling Rig: Compact Design: The drilling rig is designed with a compact structure, making it easy to transport and maneuver in various terrains and job sites. Lightweight: Its lightweight construction further enhances portability and ease of use, allowing it to be moved and deployed quickly. Two Gears: The drilling rig is equipped with two-speed options, providing flexibility in drilling operations to accommodate different drilling requirements. Versatile Applications: It is suitable for a wide range of applications, including geological surveys, industrial and civil construction, bridge and railway projects, highway construction, hydro-power industry surveys, geophysical exploration, advanced drilling , grouting hole drilling , embedded hole guiding, broken hole drilling , and small household well inspections. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận แชร์ความคิดเห็นของคุณ เชิญแสดงความคิดเห็น คุณคือคนแรกที่แสดงความคิดเห็นที่นี่ FAQ Q: What are 4 exploration methods? Surface exploration methods includes: geological, geochemical, geobotanical, photogeology & remote sensing. Q: What are the methods of drilling for exploration? There are two main methods of exploratory drilling. Core drilling, yields a solid cylinder shaped sample of the ground at an exact depth. Percussion drilling, or Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling yields a crushed sample, comprising cuttings from a fairly well determined depth in the hole. Q: What are the stages of mineral exploration? 8 Steps of Mineral Exploration * Locate PotentialDeposits. One of the first steps of mineral exploration is to locate areas that are likely to yield mineral deposits. ... * Claim Staking and Permitting. ... * Surface Exploration. ... * Early-Stage Exploration. ... * Core Drilling. ... * Resource Modeling. ... * De-Risking. ... * Production Decision. Q: What is the difference between logging and coring? Logging is a term that refers to the string of instruments that is lowered down into and out the bottom of the drill pipe after drilling a hole. The instruments measure characteristics of the hole wall such as density. Coring is a process where the drill bit cuts a 4 inch cylinder out of the rock.

  • HS-2A Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig|CHINA|Hans Exploration Drill Rig

    Giới thiệu tóm tắt về giàn khoan lấy mẫu động cơ điện HS-2A HS-2A Máy khoan lấy mẫu động cơ điện được sản xuất bởi HANS. Nó phù hợp cho địa chất công trình công nghiệp và dân dụng, cầu, đường sắt, đường cao tốc, khảo sát ngành thủy điện, thăm dò địa vật lý, khoan lỗ khoan và bơm vữa nâng cao, hướng dẫn lỗ nhúng, lỗ hỏng, lỗ và các giếng gia đình nhỏ .HS-2A Máy khoan lấy mẫu động cơ điện có các tính năng sau: kết cấu nhỏ gọn, khối lượng nhỏ, trọng lượng nhẹ, hai bánh răng, dễ dàng di chuyển. PERFORMANCE he HS-2A Electric Engine Sampling Drilling Rig , produced by HANS, is a versatile drilling machine designed for various applications, including geological, industrial, civil engineering, and more. Based on the provided information, here are the notable features and performance aspects of this drilling rig: Compact and Lightweight: The rig's compact structure and small volume make it highly portable and easy to transport. Its light weight further enhances its mobility, allowing it to be moved quickly between different job sites. Electric Engine: Being powered by an electric engine, this drilling rig offers environmental advantages by producing fewer emissions and less noise compared to gasoline or diesel-powered rigs. It may also be suitable for indoor or urban drilling operations where emissions need to be minimized. Two Gears: The inclusion of two gears provides flexibility in drilling operations. Different gear settings allow the operator to adjust drilling speed and power according to the specific requirements of the project, whether it's for sampling, grouting, or other drilling tasks. Versatility: The rig's versatility is highlighted by its suitability for a wide range of applications. It can be used for geological exploration, civil engineering projects (e.g., building foundations, bridges, highways), geophysical surveys, advanced drilling and grouting tasks, as well as well-checking for small household wells. Ease of Movement: The rig's design makes it easy to move from one location to another. This is particularly important when working in remote or challenging terrains or when frequent relocation is required during a project. Drilling Depth and Capability: Specific drilling depth and capability details may vary depending on the model and configuration, but the rig should be capable of drilling to sufficient depths for the intended applications. Safety Features: Safety considerations are crucial in drilling operations. The rig may incorporate safety features to protect the operator and ensure safe drilling practices. Sample Handling: The drilling rig is likely equipped with mechanisms for handling and storing collected samples securely until further analysis can be conducted. Proper sample handling is essential for accurate geological or environmental assessments. Environmental Impact: Electric drilling rigs are often chosen for their reduced environmental impact. This feature aligns with environmental regulations and standards for drilling operations. Control System: The rig may feature a user-friendly control system that allows the operator to adjust drilling parameters easily, enhancing precision and efficiency during drilling . Overall, the HS-2A Electric Engine Sampling Drilling Rig from HANS appears to offer a combination of mobility, versatility, and environmental considerations, making it suitable for a wide range of drilling and sampling applications in geological, industrial, and civil engineering contexts. Specific performance metrics and capabilities would depend on the exact model and configuration chosen for a given project. APPLICATION The 2CS Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig has a variety of applications across different industries due to its ability to collect subsurface samples efficiently. The applications for this type of drilling rig: Geological Exploration: This drilling rig is extensively used in geological surveys and exploration to collect rock and soil samples. Geologists use these samples to analyze the composition of the Earth's crust, identify mineral deposits, and study the geological history of an area. Environmental Site Assessments: Environmental scientists and engineers use the drilling rig for site assessments. It allows them to sample soil and groundwater to assess the presence of contaminants and potential environmental hazards. This information is crucial for environmental impact assessments and remediation projects. Mineral Prospecting: In the mining industry, this drilling rig is employed to identify and evaluate mineral resources beneath the surface. Geologists and mining engineers use the collected samples to determine the quality and quantity of valuable minerals, such as ores and precious metals. Groundwater Monitoring: Hydrogeologists use the rig to access underground aquifers and collect water samples for groundwater quality analysis. Monitoring groundwater is essential for managing water resources and ensuring its suitability for consumption and industrial use. Construction and Engineering: Engineers often use this type of drilling rig for soil sampling during construction projects. It helps in assessing soil stability, composition, and bearing capacity to ensure safe and stable construction. Soil Research: Soil scientists and agronomists utilize the drilling rig to study soil properties, nutrient content, and contamination levels. This information is valuable for agricultural research, land use planning, and soil conservation efforts. Foundation Design: Structural engineers employ the rig to collect soil samples to design foundations for buildings and infrastructure projects. Understanding soil characteristics is critical for ensuring the stability and safety of structures. Archeological Excavations: Archaeologists may use this drilling rig to explore historical or archaeological sites. It can help them collect samples from various layers of sediment to uncover artifacts and understand past civilizations. Natural Resource Management: The rig is used in natural resource management to assess the environmental impact of resource extraction activities, such as oil and gas drilling , and to monitor the condition of ecosystems. Research and Education: Academic institutions and research organizations use these drilling rigs for scientific research and educational purposes, teaching students about geological and environmental sampling techniques. The versatility of the 2CS Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig makes it a valuable tool in various fields where subsurface sampling and data collection are essential. Its portability and adaptability make it suitable for both fieldwork in remote locations and urban environments, where precise information about the subsurface is required for decision-making and analysis. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận Compartilhe sua opinião Seja o primeiro a escrever um comentário. FAQ Q: What is mineral drilling? Mineral drilling, also known as mineral exploration drilling, is a form of drilling often used by the mining industry. It's a process that allows them to determine the material composition of soil in different locations. Q: Is open hole drilling the same as core drilling? Open-hole boring is only suitable for rapid drilling to enable core recovery at a greater depth or for the installation of monitoring wells. Core drilling is carried out using wire-line, double or triple-tube core barrels with diamond or tungsten-tipped core bits. Q: How many types of coring are there? Three coring methods are practiced: conventional, wireline, and sidewall. Conventional coring, which refers to core taken without regard to precise orientation, encompasses arrange of coring devices and core barrels. Q: Which two minerals are extracted by the process of drilling? Drilling: In drilling, deep wells are bored to extract minerals which are deep inside the earth. Drilling is also used for extracting​ petroleum and natural gas that occurs deep inside the earth​.

  • Drilling Rig Part | Backpack Drill Bits

    Trang Chủ / Bộ phận giàn khoan / Bộ phận giàn khoan ba lô 01 Máy khoan ba lô 03 Phụ kiện khoan 02 Ba lô mũi khoan lõi 04 Bộ phận máy giàn Geological Exploration Backpack Drill Rig Parts The Geological Exploration Backpack Drill Rig typically consists of several key components and parts that work together to facilitate drilling and sample collection in geological exploration activities. While specific designs may vary among manufacturers, here are the common parts you can expect to find in such a rig: Backpack Frame: The frame serves as the base structure that holds and supports the rig . It is designed to be carried on the operator's back for easy mobility. Drilling Motor or Engine: This component provides the power necessary to drive the drilling process. It can be powered by electricity , gasoline , or other sources, depending on the rig's design. Drilling Rod: The drilling rod is a long, cylindrical shaft that extends into the ground to create boreholes. It is typically made of durable materials like steel. Drill Bit: The drill bit is attached to the end of the drilling rod and is responsible for cutting into the ground, creating the borehole. Different types of drill bits can be used depending on the geological conditions. Sample Collection Mechanism: This can vary but often includes a core barrel or sampling tube that allows operators to retrieve soil or rock samples as they drill. It may be manually operated or have a powered extraction system. Control Mechanisms: Controls such as handles, switches, and levers are used by the operator to control the drilling process, including the speed and direction of the drill bit. Hoist or Winch: In some backpack drill rig , especially those used for core drilling, a hoist or winch may be included to assist in lifting and extracting core samples from the borehole. Power Source: Depending on the drilling rig's design, it may have an integrated power source, such as a battery or gasoline engine, to provide power to the drilling motor or engine. Supporting Accessories: Various accessories may be included, such as stabilizing legs, toolboxes, and brackets to hold drilling rods and additional equipment. Safety Features: Safety features like guards, emergency shut-off switches, and safety interlocks are essential to protect the operator during drilling operations. Transportation Straps and Pads: To enhance comfort and ease of carrying, backpack drill rig s often include padded shoulder straps, waist belts, and chest straps. Drill Depth Measurement: Some rigs are equipped with mechanisms for measuring and tracking drilling depth, which is crucial for accurately recording the depth of boreholes. Waste Disposal System: In core drilling rigs, a waste disposal system may be included to manage and contain drill cuttings and core samples. Instrumentation: Depending on the specific drilling rig, instrumentation such as pressure gauges, temperature sensors, or other monitoring devices may be integrated for data collection and analysis. It's important to note that the exact components and their configurations can vary based on the manufacturer and model of the geological exploration backpack drill rig . Additionally, the choice of rig components may depend on the specific drilling and sampling requirements of the geological exploration project, including the types of materials being drilled, the desired drilling depth, and the geological conditions encountered. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. FAQ Q: What is the most important purpose of exploration? Exploring is to travel through the unknown to learn or discover new information. Discoveries in geography, medicine, space, flora and fauna, that have changed the world for the better, are but a few of the riches of exploration. Today, society seeks riches of other kinds. Q: Which mineral is mined through drilling? Dredging method: This is when large machines called dredgers are used to scoop the mineral into large mounds. This is used to mine minerals like salt and soda ash. Drilling method: This is used when minerals like oil and gas lie far below the ground surface. Q: What minerals are extracted by drilling? Drilling method is used to extract minerals like oil and natural gas. Minerals can be extracted by mining, drilling or quarrying. Q: What is the process of rock coring? Rock coring collects bedrock cores for engineering and geological data. A diamond bit attached to a core barrel is lowered into the hole on the end of drill rods. Rock core samples are obtained by removing the inner barrel assembly from the core barrel of the drill rod using an overshot retriever.

  • Backpack Drill Rig FAQ | Backpack Drill Rig

    Trang Chủ / New Page / Backpack Drill Bit Rig All Your Requirements How do I transport the backpack drill rig? Secure all components: Ensure all parts are tightly fastened and securely packed. Distribute weight evenly: Load the backpack to balance the weight, making it easier to carry. Use appropriate gear: Wear sturdy boots and a back support if needed What do you do on a drilling rig? Though oil rig workers have varying responsibilities depending on their job title and qualifications, here are some typical duties they perform: Operating heavy machinery. ... Cleaning, inspecting and repairing equipment. ... Tracking progress. ... Adhering to safety regulations. ... Adhering to environmental regulations. ... Analyzing samples. What safety precautions should I take before setup? Read the manual: Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s instructions. Wear protective gear: Safety goggles, gloves, and a helmet. Check surroundings: Ensure the drilling site is safe and clear of obstacles. Inspect equipment: Look for any damage or wear on the drill components. How do I start the drill rig? Check fuel and oil levels: Ensure the engine has enough fuel and the oil is at the correct level. Prime the engine: If the engine has a primer, use it to prepare the fuel system. Start the engine: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for starting the engine , usually involving a pull cord or electric start. Test controls: Make sure all controls are functioning properly before beginning to drill. How do I maintain the drill rig? Clean after use: Remove dirt and debris from all components. Inspect regularly: Check for wear and tear on the drill bits, rods, and engine. Lubricate moving parts: Use appropriate lubricants on joints and moving parts. Store properly: Keep the rig in a dry, secure location to prevent rust and damage. What are the four systems on a drill rig? the Hoisting System. the Rotary System. the Circulation System. the Well Control System (Blowout Prevention System) How do I troubleshoot common issues? Engine won’t start: Check fuel, spark plug, and ensure the engine is primed. Drill bit isn’t cutting: Inspect for wear or damage; replace if necessary. Drill gets stuck: Stop drilling, reverse the drill to try and free the bit, and check for obstructions. How do I assemble the drill rig? Position the base: Place the drill rig base on a stable, level surface. Attach the drill head: Secure the drill head to the base or mast. Connect the engine: Attach the engine to the drill head, ensuring all bolts are tight. Install drill rods: Connect the first drill rod to the drill head. Add additional rods as needed. Attach the drill bit: Select the appropriate bit and secure it to the end of the drill rod. What is a backpack drill rig? A backpack drill rig is a portable drilling device designed to be carried on the back, allowing for easy transportation to remote or hard-to-reach locations. It's commonly used for geological sampling, environmental assessments, and small-scale drilling operations. What drill rig is most commonly used? Most drill rigs are of the rotary rig type. Today's rotary drill rig consists of multiple engines (gas, diesel) that supply power, hoisting equipment that raises and lowers the drill string (drill pipe), and rotating equipment that turns the drill string and the drill bit at the bottom of the hole. What are the main components of a backpack drill rig? Drill head: The main drilling mechanism. Engine: Usually a small gasoline or electric motor. Drill rods: Sections of rod that extend the drill’s reach. Drill bits: Various types depending on the material being drilled. Water pump: For cooling and lubrication (if applicable). Control panel: For operating the drill. What are the steps for drilling? Mark the drilling spot: Clearly identify where you need to drill. Align the drill: Position the drill bit over the marked spot. Begin drilling: Slowly start the drill, applying gentle pressure. Monitor progress: Keep an eye on the depth and direction of the drill. Cool and lubricate: Use water or drilling fluid if necessary to cool the bit and remove debris. What are some tips for effective drilling? Start slow: Begin drilling at a low speed to get a feel for the material. Use the right bit: Select a drill bit suited to the material you’re drilling. Keep it cool: Regularly cool the drill bit to maintain efficiency and prevent overheating. Maintain pressure: Apply consistent, even pressure to avoid damaging the bit or the rig. Where can I add my FAQs? FAQs can be added to any page on your site or to your Wix mobile app, giving access to members on the go.

  • HS-150T Engineering Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    HS-150T là giàn khoan quay trục chính gắn rơ moóc 2 bánh di động dùng cho khảo sát địa kỹ thuật, có thể khoan lấy mẫu lõi lên đến 150m ở kích thước 3 ", mô men xoắn lớn đến 1800N.m, tốc độ khoan đa dạng phù hợp với các điều kiện khoan khác nhau - Máy khoan có thể làm việc với nhiều công cụ khoan theo các tiêu chuẩn khác nhau, chẳng hạn như NQ, HQ, NMLC, HMLC, T2, T6, T6S, v.v. Máy khoan có khả năng gõ, có thể sử dụng bailer để lấy mẫu đất và cát. Ngoài ra có thể thực hiện SPT Bằng cách sử dụng ram thủy lực, giàn có thể sử dụng ống U100 và ống trú ẩn để lấy mẫu không bị xáo trộn. Xe kéo 2 bánh khá thuận tiện để di chuyển giàn bằng cách kéo giàn bằng gắp hoặc các phương tiện khác. Đối với những nơi khó tiếp cận, chẳng hạn như trong rừng sâu, giàn khoan có thể được tháo dỡ thành các bộ phận nhỏ hơn để vận chuyển bằng sức người, và có thể lắp ráp lại dễ dàng sau này tại địa điểm khoan. Trong khi đó, bạn sẽ không gặp phải khó khăn gì. Application Geotechnical Investigations: The HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is commonly used for geotechnical drilling to assess soil and rock properties. It helps engineers and geologists understand subsurface conditions, soil composition, and stability, which is essential for construction and foundation design. Environmental Site Assessment: Environmental professionals use this rig for soil and groundwater sampling during environmental site assessments and remediation projects. It aids in determining the extent of contamination and monitoring environmental conditions. Water Well Drilling: The Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is suitable for drilling water wells, providing a reliable source of clean and potable water for various purposes, including communities, agriculture, and industries. Mineral Exploration: In the mining industry, the HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig can be used for shallow to moderate-depth mineral exploration and prospecting. It helps identify and assess mineral deposits and geological formations. Core Sampling: The Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is equipped for core sampling, allowing researchers and scientists to collect geological core samples for laboratory analysis. This is crucial for studying Earth's crust, climate history, and subsurface characteristics. Construction and Foundation Work: Construction companies use the rig for tasks such as foundation drilling , pile installation, and site investigation. It ensures the stability and safety of construction projects. Civil Engineering Projects: The HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is valuable for civil engineering projects that require drilling for infrastructure development, including bridges, tunnels, and dams. Scientific Research: Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is suitable for scientific research initiatives related to geology, seismology, and ground exploration. The rig can be used in seismic studies and the monitoring of geological phenomena. Educational and Training: Educational institutions and training centers often use this rig to provide hands-on training to students and professionals in the fields of geology, drilling , and engineering. Soil Testing: Soil testing laboratories may employ this rig to collect undisturbed soil samples for laboratory analysis and soil classification. The HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig 's versatility, substantial drilling depth, and range of applications make it a versatile tool for professionals and researchers involved in various industries, from construction and mining to environmental science and geotechnical engineering. It offers the power and adaptability needed for demanding drilling tasks. Performance The HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is a robust and powerful drilling machine designed for a wide range of engineering and exploration applications. Below are the specifications and potential applications of the HS-150T: Key Specifications: Engine Type: Diesel or Gasoline Drilling Depth: Up to 150 meters Drill Pipe Diameter: 42mm Supporting Power: 5.7kW (single-cylinder water-cooled diesel engine) or equivalent gasoline engine Drilling Diameter: 73-146mm Rig Height: Approximately 4.5 meters Weight: Varies depending on configuration and engine type Active Drill Pipe: 3 meters (length) Drilling Machine Size: Dimensions vary based on configuration How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. FAQ Q: What is a drilling rig in geology? A drilling rig is an integrated system that drills wells, such as oil or water wells, or holes for piling and other construction purposes, into the earth's subsurface. Q: What is exploration drilling? The drilling of boreholes from the surface or from underground workings, to seek and locate coal or mineral deposits and to establish geological structure. Q: Which type of drilling is used for exploration purpose? Depending on the purpose and budget of the project, there are several types of drilling methods available, but reverse circulation and diamond are by far the most common for mineral exploration. Q: What are the two types of drilling rigs? Therefore, based on these, there are two different types of offshore drilling rigs, Bottom-Supported Units and Floating Units, figure (4). This refers to the rigs that are on contact with the seafloor when they are placed in position.

  • 2T Exploration Backpack Drill Rig| Hans Backpack Drill Rig Equipment

    Máy khoan lõi ba lô dọc HS-2T Trang Chủ / Giàn khoan ba lô nông / Máy khoan ba lô di động HS-2T 36/46 / Máy khoan rút lõi ba lô đứng HS-2T là máy khoan lấy mẫu lõi có thể tháo rời. Giàn khoan chủ yếu được sử dụng trong thăm dò khoáng sản, thăm dò địa hóa, lấy mẫu nông, nghiên cứu khoa học địa lý, địa kỹ thuật, điều tra kỹ thuật, thăm dò mỏ dầu, khảo sát kỹ thuật bảo tồn nước, khảo sát kỹ thuật đường cao tốc, v.v. Các tính năng chính của lõi ba lô dọc HS-2L giàn khoan có cấu trúc nhỏ gọn, có thể tháo rời, khối lượng nhỏ, trọng lượng nhẹ, dễ mang theo; động cơ xăng hiệu kohler nhập khẩu với mã lực lớn và độ sâu khoan đảm bảo với khung khoan. Thao tác tại hiện trường thuận tiện và an toàn hơn. Application The HS-2T Vertical Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is a portable and versatile drilling system designed for geological and environmental exploration. It offers several key features and applications: Applications: Geological Exploration: The HS-2T Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is commonly used for geological surveys and exploration projects. It can drill into various types of geological formations, including rocks, soils, and sediments, to collect core samples for analysis. Mineral Prospecting: Geologists and mining professionals use this rig to prospect for valuable minerals and ores. It allows for the collection of mineral samples from different depths in the Earth's subsurface. Environmental Site Assessment: The rig is suitable for conducting environmental site assessments. It helps in collecting soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination levels and environmental impact. Construction and Engineering: The HS-2T Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig can be used in construction and engineering projects to gather soil and rock samples for site characterization, foundation design, and soil stability analysis. Research and Education: It is also used in research Performance institutions and educational settings for training students and conducting scientific experiments related to earth sciences. Performance: Drilling Depth: The HS-2T Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig offers a substantial drilling depth capacity, allowing operators to reach greater depths for sample collection. Core Sample Quality: It is designed to provide high-quality core samples with minimal disturbance, ensuring accurate representation of geological formations. Drilling Speed: The rig offers efficient drilling speeds, increasing productivity and reducing the time required for sample collection. Versatility: It can adapt to various geological conditions, making it suitable for different types of drilling projects. Portability: The backpack design makes it highly portable and easy to transport to remote or challenging terrains. Ease of Operation: User-friendly controls and quick assembly make it easy to operate in the field. Safety: The rig incorporates safety features to protect operators during drilling operations. Sample Handling: It includes mechanisms for efficient sample handling, such as core barrel retrieval systems and storage solutions. Durability and Reliability: The HS-2T Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is built to withstand harsh field conditions and provide reliable performance. Environmental Impact: It is designed to minimize soil and groundwater disturbance during drilling , reducing its environmental impact. The HS-2T Vertical Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is a valuable tool for professionals and researchers involved in geological and environmental exploration. Its performance and versatility make it suitable for a wide range of applications in the earth sciences and related fields. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. FAQ Q: How much water does a drill rig take during the operation? Water use per well can be anywhere from about 1.5 million gallons to about 16 million gallons. Q: Which type of drilling is used for exploration purpose? Depending on the purpose and budget of the project, there are several types of drilling methods available, but reverse circulation and diamond are by far the most common for mineral exploration. Q: What is the purpose of a drill rig? A drilling rig is a machine that makes holes in the earth's surface. The drilling rigs can be very big structures that hold equipment that is used to make water wells, natural gas extraction wells, or oil wells. Q: The seven steps of oil and natural gas extraction STEP 1: Preparing the Rig Site. ... STEP 2: Drilling. ... STEP 3: Cementing and Testing. ... STEP 4: Well Completion. ... STEP 5: Fracking. ... STEP 6: Production and Fracking Fluid Recycling. ... STEP 7: Well Abandonment and Land Restoration.

  • Portable Exploration Backpack Drill Rig | Hans Exploration Drill Rig

    Trang Chủ / Giàn khoan ba lô nông / Trải nghiệm thực địa / Ba lô nông Máy khoan lõi thăm dò kim cương Được sử dụng rộng rãi trong thăm dò khoáng sản --- Thăm dò địa hóa học đến tĩnh mạch thăm dò lấy mẫu nông, Nghiên cứu khoa học địa lý, Địa kỹ thuật Kỹ thuật , Điều tra Kỹ thuật và Phát hiện, Thăm dò Mỏ Dầu và các lĩnh vực khác. thăm dò khoáng sản địa kỹ thuật nghiên cứu khoa học địa chất đường hầm phát hiện vòm uốn cong thăm dò địa chất công trình đường cao tốc thăm dò địa chất công trình thủy lực thăm dò dầu khách hàng tiềm năng Field Experiences Field experiences with Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig have shown their effectiveness and versatility in various applications. Here are some common field experiences and advantages associated with backpack drilling rigs : Portability: Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs are highly portable, allowing operators to access remote or challenging locations with ease. This portability is particularly valuable in geological exploration, environmental sampling, and research projects where mobility is essential. Versatility: These Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs can accommodate different drill bit sizes and types, making them versatile for various drilling tasks. Users can switch between drill bit to match specific geological formations or sampling requirements. Ease of Transport: Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs are lightweight and designed for ergonomic carrying. They can be transported to the drilling site without the need for heavy machinery or extensive setup. Minimal Environmental Impact: Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs have a smaller footprint and lower impact on the environment compared to larger drilling equipment. This is important in environmentally sensitive areas. Quick Setup: Setting up a Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs is relatively quick, allowing operators to start drilling sooner. This is valuable for time-sensitive projects. Reduced Costs: The use of Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs can reduce overall project costs. They eliminate the need for large drilling teams and heavy machinery, making drilling operations more cost-effective. Precision: Operators can maintain greater control and precision with Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs , ensuring accurate drilling depths and sample collection. Safety: Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are often equipped with safety features such as emergency shutdown switches and protective guards, enhancing operator safety during drilling operations. Access to Remote Sites: These Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are ideal for reaching remote or challenging terrains where larger drilling equipment cannot access. This extends the range of exploration and research possibilities. Sample Quality: Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig allow for the collection of high-quality soil, rock, or core samples, which are critical for accurate geological analysis and environmental assessments. Research and Education: Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are commonly used in research and educational fieldwork, providing students and scientists with hands-on experience in geology, environmental science, and related fields. Low Noise and Vibration: These Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig produce less noise and vibration compared to larger drilling equipment, reducing disturbance to wildlife and nearby communities. Overall, Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs offer a practical solution for fieldwork that demands mobility, versatility, and precision. Their compact design and ease of use make them valuable tools for professionals in geological, environmental, and research disciplines. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận Partagez vos idées Soyez le premier à rédiger un commentaire. FAQ Q: What is the basic principle of drilling? Drilling is a cutting process where a drill bit is spun to cut a hole of circular cross-section in solid materials. The drill bit is usually a rotary cutting tool, often multi-point. The bit is pressed against the work-piece and rotated at rates from hundreds to thousands of revolutions per minute. Q: What are the two techniques of drilling? Drilling is a cutting operation which uses a drill bit to cut a hole of a circular cross-section in a solid material. It is helpful in drilling water wells, oil wells, and natural gas extraction wells. Q: What are drilling techniques? Here are five of the most common drilling methods used in extracting oil and gas: Percussion or Cable Drilling. Rotary Drilling. Dual-Wall Reverse-Circulation Drilling. Electro-Drilling. Q: What are the 5 parts of a drill? The main parts of a drilling machine are listed below: * Base. The base of the drilling machine supports the machine and can either be fixed to a workshop floor or mounted to a work table in the case of smaller machines. ... * Column. ... * Arm. ... * Drill Head. ... * Worktable. ... * Feed Mechanism. ... * Spindle. ... * Chuck.

  • 26/36 Exploration Backpack Drill Rig| Hans Backpack Drill Rig Equipment

    HSB-1 Máy khoan ba lô 26mm và 36mm Trang Chủ / Giàn khoan ba lô nông / Máy khoan ba lô cầm tay HSB-1 26/36 / Máy khoan rút lõi ba lô HSB-1 là máy khoan rút lõi có thể khoan sâu đến 20 mét. Thiết kế di động cho phép giàn khoan phù hợp với không gian chật hẹp hơn so với các loại máy khoan truyền thống lớn hơn nhưng vẫn có nhiều sức mạnh để hoàn thành công việc. Giàn khoan này là hoàn hảo để khoan ở các vị trí xa Ứng dụng của máy khoan rút lõi ba lô HS-1 thăm dò khoáng sản địa kỹ thuật nghiên cứu khoa học địa lý đường hầm phát hiện vòm uốn cong thăm dò địa chất công trình đường cao tốc thăm dò địa chất công trình thủy lực thăm dò dầu khách hàng tiềm năng Đặc điểm của máy khoan rút lõi ba lô HS-1 xách tay: một bộ HS-1 hoàn chỉnh có thể được đóng gói vào ba lô có thể được mang bởi một người lớn hiệu quả và hiệu quả: HS-1 có thể hoạt động trong hầu hết mọi loại điều kiện đất dễ tháo rời vận hành đơn giản Application The HSB-1 backpack core drilling rig comes in two variants with drill bit diameters of 26mm and 36mm. These portable and versatile drilling systems have various applications and performance characteristics: HSB-1 26mm backpack core drilling rig : Applications: Geological Exploration: This rig is commonly used for geological surveys and exploration. It can drill into rocks, soils, and sediments to collect core samples for analysis. Mineral Prospecting: Geologists and mining professionals use this rig to prospect for valuable minerals and ores. It allows for the collection of mineral samples from different depths in the Earth's subsurface. Environmental Site Assessment: The HSB-1 26mm backpack core drilling rig is suitable for conducting environmental site assessments. It helps collect soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination levels and environmental impact. Construction and Engineering: The rig can be used in construction and engineering projects to gather soil and rock samples for site characterization, foundation design, and soil stability analysis. Research and Education: It is also used in research institutions and educational settings for training students and conducting scientific experiments related to earth sciences. Performance Drilling Depth: The 26mm variant offers a substantial drilling depth capacity, allowing operators to reach greater depths for sample collection. Core Sample Quality: It is designed to provide high-quality core samples with minimal disturbance, ensuring accurate representation of geological formations. Drilling Speed: The rig offers efficient drilling speeds, increasing productivity and reducing the time required for sample collection. Versatility: It can adapt to various geological conditions, making it suitable for different types of drilling projects. Portability: The backpack design makes it highly portable and easy to transport to remote or challenging terrains. Ease of Operation: User-friendly controls and quick assembly make it easy to operate in the field. Safety: The rig incorporates safety features to protect operators during drilling operations. Sample Handling: It includes mechanisms for efficient sample handling, such as core barrel retrieval systems and storage solutions. Durability and Reliability: The HSB-1 26mm backpack core drilling rig is built to withstand harsh field conditions and provide reliable performance. Environmental Impact: It is designed to minimize soil and groundwater disturbance during drilling , reducing its environmental impact. HSB-1 36mm backpack core drilling rig : The 36mm variant shares the same applications and general performance characteristics as the 26mm version. However, it offers a larger drill bit diameter, allowing for the collection of slightly larger core samples. Both variants of the HSB-1 backpack core drilling rig are valuable tools for professionals and researchers involved in geological and environmental exploration. Their performance and versatility make them suitable for a wide range of applications in the earth sciences and related fields. The choice between the 26mm and 36mm variants depends on specific project requirements and the desired core sample size. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận Chia sẻ suy nghĩ của bạn Hãy là người đầu tiên viết bình luận. FAQ Q: What are the 4 steps in the drilling process? A typical drilling process has the following stages: 1. Preparation. Preparing a drilling site involves ensuring that it can be properly accessed and that the area where the rig and other equipment will be placed has been properly graded. ... 2. Drilling. Vertical Drilling. ... 3. Well Completion. ... 4. Production. ... 5. Well Abandonment. Q: Why should a drill rig be clean? A clean oil rig goes beyond appearance, as it makes for more efficient operation and is essential in providing a safer workplace for employees. Q: How many people work on a drill rig? Drilling rig crews are generally made up of six (6) people: Rig Manager, Driller, Derrickhand, Motorhand, Floorhand, and Leasehand. Each crew works 12 hours shifts as the rig operates 24 hours per day, and each position is vital to the operation of the rig. Q: What drill rig is most commonly used? Most drill rigs are of the rotary rig type. Today's rotary drill rig consists of multiple engines (gas, diesel) that supply power, hoisting equipment that raises and lowers the drill string (drill pipe), and rotating equipment that turns the drill string and the drill bit at the bottom of the hole.

  • HS-2 backpack exploration core drilling rig is a revolutionary portable geologic

    Trang Chủ / Giàn khoan ba lô nông / Máy khoan ba lô di động HSB2 26/36 / Máy khoan rút lõi thăm dò ba lô HS-2 là một máy khoan rút lõi địa chất cầm tay mang tính cách mạng được sản xuất tại Trung Quốc. Nếu bạn muốn mua một chiếc máy khoan ba lô với công suất ngựa lớn, hãy xác định máy khoan ba lô "HANS". Giàn khoan di động này chuyên dùng để điều tra khoáng sản, thăm dò dầu khí, nghiên cứu và thăm dò địa chất. Chúng tôi có mười năm kinh nghiệm sản xuất máy khoan rút lõi. Shandong Master Machinery Group tin rằng máy khoan ba lô sẽ mang đến cho bạn sự hài lòng tuyệt vời và hoàn thành công việc của bạn một cách hoàn hảo. Ứng dụng của máy khoan rút lõi ba lô HS-2 thăm dò khoáng sản địa kỹ thuật nghiên cứu khoa học địa lý đường hầm phát hiện vòm uốn cong thăm dò địa chất công trình đường cao tốc thăm dò địa chất công trình thủy lực thăm dò dầu khách hàng tiềm năng Đặc điểm của máy khoan rút lõi ba lô HS-2 nhỏ gọn và di động vận hành đơn giản dễ lắp ráp và tháo rời thuận tiện di chuyển m Application The HSB-1 Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig comes in two variants with drill bit diameters of 26mm and 36mm. These portable and versatile drilling systems have various applications and performance characteristics: HSB-1 26mm Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig : Applications: Geological Exploration: This rig is commonly used for geological surveys and exploration. It can drill into rocks, soils, and sediments to collect core samples for analysis. Mineral Prospecting: Geologists and mining professionals use this rig to prospect for valuable minerals and ores. It allows for the collection of mineral samples from different depths in the Earth's subsurface. Environmental Site Assessment: The HSB-1 26mm Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is suitable for conducting environmental site assessments. It helps collect soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination levels and environmental impact. Construction and Engineering: The rig can be used in construction and engineering projects to gather soil and rock samples for site characterization, foundation design, and soil stability analysis. Research and Education: It is also used in research institutions and educational settings for training students and conducting scientific experiments related to earth sciences. Performance Drilling Depth: The 26mm variant offers a substantial drilling depth capacity, allowing operators to reach greater depths for sample collection. Core Sample Quality: It is designed to provide high-quality core samples with minimal disturbance, ensuring accurate representation of geological formations. Drilling Speed: The rig offers efficient drilling speeds, increasing productivity and reducing the time required for sample collection. Versatility: It can adapt to various geological conditions, making it suitable for different types of drilling projects. AEase of Operation: User-friendly controls and quick assembly make it easy to operate in the field. Safety: The rig incorporates safety features to protect operators during drilling operations. Sample Handling: It includes mechanisms for efficient sample handling, such as core barrel retrieval systems and storage solutions. Durability and Reliability: The HSB-1 26mm Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is built to withstand harsh field conditions and provide reliable performance. Environmental Impact: It is designed to minimize soil and groundwater disturbance during drilling , reducing its environmental impact. HSB-1 36mm Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig : The 36mm variant shares the same applications and general performance characteristics as the 26mm version. However, it offers a larger drill bit diameter, allowing for the collection of slightly larger core samples. Both variants of the HSB-1 Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are valuable tools for professionals and researchers involved in geological and environmental exploration. Their performance and versatility make them suitable for a wide range of applications in the earth sciences and related fields. The choice between the 26mm and 36mm variants depends on specific project requirements and the desired core sample size. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Bình luận Viết bình luận Viết bình luận Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. FAQ Q: How are drill rigs powered? Historically, coal was used to generate the power for drilling rigs; however, modern drilling rigs use other sources of fuel. Typically, modern rigs are now run using an internal combustion engine with diesel or lease fuel. Diesel oil is a petroleum-based fuel that is a product of the distillation process. Q: What is the maintenance of a drilling rig? Daily maintenance checks should include: Inspecting for Leaks: Check all components for signs of leaks, such as fluid drips or stains. Pay particular attention to hydraulic lines, connections, and valves. Checking Oil and Fluid Levels: Ensure that oil, hydraulic fluid, and other fluids are at appropriate levels. Q: Why is exploration drilling important? Drilling is used to search for mineral occurrences or clues in the rocks that may lead to mineral deposits. The information gathered during this stage may or may not lead to a discovery of valuable minerals. Drilling penetrates deep into the ground and brings up samples of whatever it finds on its way. Q:What size is exploration drilling? SizeHole (outside) diameter, mmCore (inside) diameter, mm AQ4827 BQ6036.5 NQ75.747.6 HQ9663.5 HQ39661.1 PQ122.685 PQ3122.683 CHD 7675.743.5 CHD 101101.363.5 CHD 134134.085.0

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