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  • 2BS Gasoline Engineering Exploration Drilling Rig |Hans Exploration Drill Rig

    Bensinmotorprovtagning Borrigg Kort introduktion HS-2BS borrrigg för provtagning av bensinmotorer produceras av HANS. Den är lämplig för geologiska industriella och civila byggnader, broar, järnvägar, motorvägar, vattenkraftsindustriundersökningar, geofysisk prospektering, avancerad borrning och injekteringshålborrning, inbäddad hålstyrning, brutet hål, hål och små hushållsbrunnar. HS-2BS borrmaskin för provtagning av bensinmotorer har följande funktioner: kompakt struktur, liten volym, låg vikt, två växlar, lätt att flytta. Application Geological Surveys: The rig is used to collect geological samples and conduct subsurface investigations in geological exploration projects. Mineral Exploration: It is employed in mineral exploration to drill core samples and assess the presence of valuable minerals. Soil Sampling: Suitable for soil sampling in environmental assessments, agricultural research, and geotechnical investigations. Core Drilling: Capable of core drilling for extracting cylindrical rock or soil samples with minimal disturbance. Environmental Assessments: Used in environmental studies to investigate soil and groundwater conditions for contamination assessments. Geotechnical Investigations: Applied in geotechnical engineering to assess soil properties and stability for construction projects. Exploration and Research: Utilized in scientific research and exploration projects that require subsurface sampling and analysis. The HS-2BS Gasoline Engine Sampling drilling rig 's gasoline-powered design, compact size, and versatility make it a valuable tool for professionals in geological, environmental, and exploration fields. Whether for mineral exploration, soil sampling, or environmental assessments, this rig offers efficient drilling capabilities to obtain critical subsurface information for various applications. Performance The "HS-2BS Gasoline Engine Sampling drilling rig " manufactured by HANS is a specialized drilling rig designed for various geological and exploration applications. Here are the key features and applications of the HS-2BS Gasoline Engine Sampling drilling Rig:​ Gasoline Engine: The rig is powered by a gasoline engine, providing reliable and portable energy for drilling operations. Compact and Lightweight: With a compact design and lightweight construction, the rig is easy to transport and maneuver in diverse terrains. Two-Speed Options: It is equipped with two-speed options, allowing flexibility in drilling operations to accommodate different soil and rock conditions. Versatile Applications: The rig is suitable for a range of applications, including geological surveys, soil sampling, core drilling , mineral exploration, and environmental assessments. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar Kongsikan Pandangan Anda Jadilah orang pertama yang memberi komen. FAQ Q: What is core drilling and non core drilling? On the basis of material obtained from the hole, there are two main types. 1. CORE DRILLING: where by means of drilling core can be obtained 2. NON CORE DRILLING: where only rock cuttings along with slurry can be obtained. Q: What is the best core drill? Core Drills VEVOR Diamond Core Drilling 2180W Handheld Diamond Core Drill Machine 10M Core Drilling Machine Lift Rig Variable Speed Wet Dry Core Drill Rig for Diamond Concrete Drilling with Box. ... HANS 080/1 110V Diamond Core Drill Supplied in A Carry Case. ... FEIN 64203008010 Corner Shift. Q: Which mineral is mined through drilling? Dredging method: This is when large machines called dredgers are used to scoop the mineral into large mounds. This is used to mine minerals like salt and soda ash. Drilling method: This is used when minerals like oil and gas lie far below the ground surface. Q: Why is drilling important in mining? The purpose of drilling (rock penetration) in mining operations is to create small or large diameter holes in the rock massive for the placement of explosives in order to loosen and fragment the material for subsequent operations.

  • HS16010 Drilling Mud Pump | Backpack Drill Rig

    Hans 160/10 lera pump är en lätt horisontell triplex enkelverkande kolvpump, den har många bra funktioner som liten storlek, låg vikt, lång livslängd, lätt att transportera, bra prestanda och använder många vanliga eller universella industriella delar. är lämplig för geologisk prospektering. geologisk teknikborrning inom 1000 meter i olika som järnväg, vattenbevarande, metallurgi, konstruktion och geologi. PERFORMANCE The Hans 160/10 Mud Pump is a versatile and efficient piece of equipment designed for a range of drilling and pumping applications, particularly in geological exploration and engineering drilling. Here's a summary of its key performance characteristics and features: Light Horizontal Triplex Design: The triplex configuration, with three cylinders, provides reliable and efficient pumping performance. Its horizontal orientation ensures stability during operation. Single Action Reciprocating Piston Pump: The single-action reciprocating piston design simplifies operation and maintenance while contributing to the pump's durability and long service life. Small Size and Lightweight: The pump's compact size and lightweight construction make it highly portable and easy to transport, enhancing its mobility for fieldwork in various locations. Long Service Life: Designed for durability, the pump is built to withstand the demands of drilling operations, ensuring a long service life with minimal downtime for maintenance. Versatile Compatibility: The pump's compatibility with standard or universal industrial parts simplifies maintenance and replacement of components, reducing operational costs and downtime. Good Performance: The pump's efficient pumping capabilities ensure reliable fluid circulation during drilling operations, essential for maintaining borehole stability and collecting geological data. Suitability for Geological Prospection: The pump is well-suited for geological prospection, allowing geologists to collect core samples and assess subsurface conditions accurately. Wide Range of Applications: The pump's versatility enables its use in various industries and drilling projects, including railway, water conservancy, metallurgy, construction, and geological exploration. Drilling Depth: Capable of supporting drilling depths of up to 1000 meters, making it suitable for deep drilling projects and assessments. Efficient Fluid Circulation: In drilling operations, maintaining consistent fluid circulation is crucial for cooling the drill bit, transporting cuttings, and preventing borehole collapse. The pump's performance contributes to efficient circulation. Ease of Operation: Designed to be user-friendly, the pump allows operators to control and monitor performance easily, contributing to efficient and safe drilling operations. Environmental Considerations: Efficient fluid circulation helps minimize environmental impact by reducing the risk of borehole contamination during drilling operations. The Hans 160/10 Mud Pump's combination of portability, durability, and compatibility with standard industrial parts makes it a valuable tool for professionals and projects across various industries. Its ability to perform efficiently in different geological conditions and drilling scenarios enhances its practicality and value in a wide range of applications. Specific performance metrics and capabilities may vary based on the exact model and configuration of the pump. APPLICATION The Hans Mud Pump, with its compact and efficient design, is suitable for a wide range of applications, particularly in geological exploration, geological engineering drilling, and various industrial sectors. Here are specific applications where the pump can be effectively utilized: Geological Prospection: The pump plays a crucial role in geological prospection activities, allowing geologists to collect core samples and assess subsurface conditions accurately. It helps in identifying valuable mineral deposits, rock formations, and geological structures. Geological Engineering Drilling: In geological engineering projects, the pump is used to circulate drilling fluids during drilling operations, ensuring stable borehole conditions, collecting geological data, and minimizing borehole collapse risks. Railway Construction: The pump can be employed in railway construction projects for drilling boreholes necessary for assessing the ground conditions, soil stability, and foundation requirements. Water Conservancy Projects: Water conservancy projects often involve drilling for site assessments and groundwater studies. The pump aids in collecting samples and maintaining borehole stability in such projects. Metallurgy Industry: The metallurgy industry may use the pump for drilling boreholes to explore mineral resources, assess geological conditions, and gather samples for mineral analysis. Construction Industry: In the construction sector, the pump is valuable for drilling foundation boreholes, assessing soil quality, and determining appropriate foundation designs for buildings and infrastructure projects. Geological Surveys: Geological surveys conducted for research or environmental assessments benefit from the pump's efficient drilling fluid circulation and core sample collection capabilities. Field Exploration: Geologists and exploration teams rely on the pump to collect core samples in remote or challenging terrains during field exploration activities. Mineral Exploration: The pump is instrumental in mineral exploration projects, helping geologists and mining professionals assess ore deposits and geological conditions. Environmental Studies: The pump can be used in environmental studies to collect soil and sediment samples for pollution assessments, contaminant tracking, and groundwater monitoring. Oil and Gas Exploration: While not explicitly mentioned, the pump can also have applications in drilling operations related to oil and gas exploration, particularly in assessing subsurface formations and drilling boreholes. Research and Development: In research and development initiatives, the pump can support experimental drilling and geological sampling for academic or scientific purposes. The Hans Mud Pump's portability, durability, and compatibility with standard industrial parts make it a versatile tool for professionals and projects across various industries. Its ability to perform efficiently in different geological conditions and drilling scenarios enhances its practicality and value in a wide range of applications. Specific applications should be determined based on project requirements and geological or environmental conditions. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar Partagez vos idées Soyez le premier à rédiger un commentaire. FAQ Q: Can you take a core sample of the earth? Core samples are cylindrical pieces drilled from soil and rock. These samples allow scientists to study the properties and geological history of the Earth — or the moon or other planets. Q: Do geologists drill holes? Geologists drill holes into the rock underground for several reasons. Probably the greatest number of wells drilled are for water and these are the ones most people are familiar with. But, usually very little rock information can be derived from them because they are either too shallow or barely drilled into bedrock. Q: Can geophysical method replace drilling? Geotechnical geophysics is not a substitute for boring or testing, but it is often a very cost-effective and reliable means of imaging the subsurface between and below boreholes and for determining the in situ bulk properties of soil and rock. Q: What is core drilling mineral exploration? Core drilling produces cores of sub-surface material and is the most commonly used method of obtaining information about the presence of minerals or precious metals, as well as rock formations. The core drilling method gives the geologist the opportunity to analyze the sample by eye as well as by more advanced methods.

  • Contact Backpack Drilling Rig | Hans Portable Exploration Backpack Drill Rig

    Hem / Kontakta oss / Backpack Drill Bit Rig All Your Requirements Ring oss Tel: +8616653317018 E-post: Besök oss Öppettider Mån - Fre: 08.00 - 18.00 Sön: 09.00 - 17.00 111: e Liuquan Road Zhangdian Zibo Shandong SKICKA Framgång! Meddelande mottaget. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar Partagez vos idées Soyez le premier à rédiger un commentaire. FAQ Q: What are the three main types of drill rigs? The main types of drilling systems include rotary drilling, percussion drilling, and rotary-percussion drilling. Rotary drilling involves a rotating drill bit, percussion drilling uses a hammering action, and rotary-percussion drilling combines both methods to penetrate various soil and rock conditions. Q: What is the maintenance of a drilling rig? Daily maintenance checks should include: Inspecting for Leaks: Check all components for signs of leaks, such as fluid drips or stains. Pay particular attention to hydraulic lines, connections, and valves. Checking Oil and Fluid Levels: Ensure that oil, hydraulic fluid, and other fluids are at appropriate levels. Q: What are the three main types of drill rigs? Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing equipment used to drill water wells, oil wells, or natural gas extraction wells, or they can be small enough to be moved manually by one person and such are called augers. Q: What are the three types of drilling methods? The main types of drilling systems include rotary drilling, percussion drilling, and rotary-percussion drilling. Rotary drilling involves a rotating drill bit, percussion drilling uses a hammering action, and rotary-percussion drilling combines both methods to penetrate various soil and rock conditions.

  • Exploration Backpack Drill Rig | Hans Backpack Drill Rig Equipment

    Hem / Vi passar alla dina krav Shallow Backpack Diamond Exploration Core Drill Rig är ett nästan idealiskt verktyg för miljö- och geoteknisk fältundersökning eftersom det kan användas på annars svåråtkomliga platser bakom byggnader, staket och väggar, träd, sluttningar och mycket annat. Systemets diamantkärnbitar kan enkelt framborras genom ett stort urval av underjordiska material inklusive stålarmerad betong, hård sten och vissa typer av cementerade grusar. Borren har många fältapplikationer inklusive ädla och basmetaller, akademisk, miljö, geoteknisk undersökning, konstruktion, skattjakt, fossila bränslen, stenbrott och installation av brunnar. Huvudapplikation av liten typ ryggsäck borr rigg: Det är en oumbärlig teknik inom ädelmetaller, akademisk, miljö, geoteknisk undersökning, konstruktion, skattjakt, fossila bränslen, stenbrott och brunninstallation. Application Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are used in various applications for geological and environmental exploration. The applications include: Geological Exploration: These drill rigs are used to collect Core samples from the Earth's subsurface. Geologists use these samples to study the composition, structure, and mineral content of rock formations. This information is vital for locating valuable mineral deposits, understanding geological history, and assessing the feasibility of mining operations. Environmental Site Assessment: Core drilling is an essential part of environmental site assessments. It helps in soil and groundwater sampling to detect the presence of contaminants or pollutants. This information is crucial for assessing the environmental impact of industrial activities, underground storage tanks, and landfills. Mineral Exploration: Backpack Core drill rigs are used by prospectors and mining companies to explore potential mineral deposits. By extracting Core samples from different depths, geologists can analyze the mineral content and quality, helping in the decision-making process for mining operations. Construction and Engineering: Core drilling is used in construction and civil engineering projects to assess the stability and composition of the subsurface. It helps engineers determine the suitability of the ground for building foundations, bridges, and other infrastructure. Archaeological Research: Archaeologists use Core drilling to investigate archaeological sites and study the layers of soil and sediment. This technique aids in uncovering artifacts, fossils, and historical evidence buried beneath the surface. Oil and Gas Exploration: In the oil and gas industry, Core drilling is employed to collect samples from potential reservoirs deep underground. These samples provide critical information about the composition and characteristics of subsurface rock formations, aiding in the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons. Research and Education: Core drilling is used in educational and research institutions to train geology students and conduct scientific investigations. It allows researchers to gather data for various geological and environmental studies. Monitoring Groundwater: Core drilling can be used to install monitoring wells for tracking groundwater levels and quality. This is important for managing water resources and assessing potential contamination issues. Civil Engineering Studies: Backpack core drill rigs are used for various civil engineering studies, including soil mechanics, geological hazard assessments, and foundation investigations for construction projects. Cave Exploration: In speleology (the study of caves), core drilling can be used to collect samples and explore underground cave systems and their geological formations. These applications highlight the versatility of Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig in scientific research, environmental protection, resource exploration, and construction projects. They play a crucial role in gathering subsurface data that informs decision-making across multiple industries. Performance The performance of a Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is essential for ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of geological and environmental exploration activities. Here are some key performance aspects: Drilling Depth: The drill rig 's performance is often measured by its drilling depth capability. Depending on the model and design, backpack Core drill rigs can achieve various drilling depths. Higher drilling depth capacity allows geologists and engineers to collect samples from greater depths in the Earth's subsurface. Core Sample Quality: Performance is closely related to the quality of the core samples obtained. A high-quality drill rig should provide undisturbed and intact Core samples that accurately represent the geological formations being explored. The rig's Core recovery rate is a critical performance indicator. Drilling Speed: Efficiency in drilling is crucial, especially when conducting large-scale exploration projects. Faster drilling speeds can increase productivity and reduce the time required to collect Core samples. However, speed should not compromise sample quality. Versatility: A versatile drill rig can adapt to various geological conditions and types of formations. It should be capable of drilling through different rock types, soils, and sediments encountered during exploration. Ease of Operation: Performance also includes the ease of setup, operation, and maintenance of the drill rig . User-friendly controls, quick assembly, and minimal downtime for maintenance contribute to overall performance. Portability: As backpack drill rigs are designed for fieldwork, their portability is a crucial performance factor. They should be lightweight and easy to transport to remote or rugged locations without sacrificing stability and durability. Safety Features: The drill rig should incorporate safety features to protect operators during drilling operations. This includes safeguards against kickbacks, vibration reduction, and ergonomic design for operator comfort. Sample Handling: Efficient sample handling mechanisms, such as Core barrel retrieval systems and storage solutions, contribute to the drill rig's performance. Quick and safe retrieval of Core samples ensures minimal sample damage. Durability and Reliability: A reliable drill rig can withstand challenging field conditions and continue operating without frequent breakdowns. Durability is essential for long-term use in demanding environments. Power Source: The performance of the power source, whether gasoline, electric, or other, is critical. It should provide sufficient power to drive the drilling operation consistently and efficiently. Sample Recovery Rate: The rig's ability to recover a high percentage of Core samples compared to the total depth drilled is a key performance metric. A high Core recovery rate ensures that valuable geological information is obtained. Accuracy and Precision: Precision in drilling and sample collection is crucial for accurate geological assessments. Minimal deviation from the intended drilling path and precise Core sample measurements are indicators of good performance. Environmental Impact: Performance can also be evaluated based on the drill rig 's environmental impact. Minimizing soil and groundwater disturbance during drilling is important for environmentally sensitive areas. In summary, a well-performing Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig should excel in drilling depth, Core sample quality, drilling speed, versatility, ease of operation, portability, safety, sample handling, durability, and reliability. It should meet the specific needs of geological and environmental exploration projects while minimizing environmental impact and ensuring operator safety. FAQ Q: What does a drill rig do? A drilling rig is a machine that makes holes in the earth's surface. The drilling rigs can be very big structures that hold equipment that is used to make water wells, natural gas extraction wells, or oil wells. Q: What is the maintenance of a drilling rig? Daily maintenance checks should include: Inspecting for Leaks: Check all components for signs of leaks, such as fluid drips or stains. Pay particular attention to hydraulic lines, connections, and valves. Checking Oil and Fluid Levels: Ensure that oil, hydraulic fluid, and other fluids are at appropriate levels. Q: How is a drilling rig used? Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing equipment used to drill water wells, oil wells, or natural gas extraction wells, or they can be small enough to be moved manually by one person and such are called augers. Q: What are the three types of drilling methods? The main types of drilling systems include rotary drilling, percussion drilling, and rotary-percussion drilling. Rotary drilling involves a rotating drill bit, percussion drilling uses a hammering action, and rotary-percussion drilling combines both methods to penetrate various soil and rock conditions.

  • About Backpack Drilling Rig | Hans Portable Exploration Backpack Drill Rig

    Hem / Om oss / Backpack Drill Bit Rig All Your Requirements Hans-företag tillverkade ryggsäckens kärnborr- och borriggsmaskin är ett nästan idealiskt verktyg för miljö- och geoteknisk fältundersökning eftersom den kan användas på annars svåråtkomliga platser bakom byggnader, staket och väggar, träd, sluttningar och mycket annat. Systemets diamantkärnbitar kan lätt förflyttas genom en stor mängd underjordiska material inklusive armerad betong av stål, hård sten och vissa typer av cementerade grusar. Borren har många fältapplikationer inklusive ädla och basmetaller, akademisk, miljö, geoteknisk undersökning, konstruktion, skattjakt, fossila bränslen, stenbrott och installation av brunnar. Huvudapplikation för liten borrigga med ryggsäck: Det är en oumbärlig teknik inom ädla och basmetaller, akademisk, miljö, geoteknisk undersökning, konstruktion, skattjakt, fossila bränslen, stenbrott och installation av brunnar. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar แชร์ความคิดเห็นของคุณ เชิญแสดงความคิดเห็น คุณคือคนแรกที่แสดงความคิดเห็นที่นี่ FAQ Q: What are the three main types of drill rigs? NX System program allow drilling from Ø 20 mm to Ø 252 mm (up to Ø 450 mm on request) with depths up to 40 m depending on operating and application conditions. NX system is composed of: core bit, extension rod and connection end. Q: What is the maintenance of a drilling rig? Daily maintenance checks should include: Inspecting for Leaks: Check all components for signs of leaks, such as fluid drips or stains. Pay particular attention to hydraulic lines, connections, and valves. Checking Oil and Fluid Levels: Ensure that oil, hydraulic fluid, and other fluids are at appropriate levels. Q: What are the stages of drill? The drilling process for oil and natural gas is essentially the same and can be simplified into the following stages: Preparing the rig site. Drilling. Cementing and Testing. Well Completion. Fracking. Production and Fracking Fluid Recycling. Well Abandonment and Land Restoration. Q: What are the three types of drilling methods? The main types of drilling systems include rotary drilling, percussion drilling, and rotary-percussion drilling. Rotary drilling involves a rotating drill bit, percussion drilling uses a hammering action, and rotary-percussion drilling combines both methods to penetrate various soil and rock conditions.

  • HS-150T Engineering Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    HS-150T är en bärbar 2-hjuls släpmonterad spindel roterande borrigg för geoteknisk undersökning, den kan göra kärnprovtagningsborrning upp till 150m i storlek 3 ", den har stort vridmoment till 1800N.m, olika borrhastigheter som passar olika borrförhållanden Borriggen kan fungera med flera borrverktyg av olika standard, såsom NQ, HQ, NMLC, HMLC, T2, T6, T6S etc. Riggen har slagverksförmåga, kan använda bailer för mark- och sandprovtagning. Kan också utföra SPT testning. Genom att använda den hydrauliska kolven kan riggen använda U100 och Shelby-rör för ostörd provtagning. Tvåhjulsvagnen är ganska bekväm att mobilisera riggen genom att dra riggen med en pickup eller annat fordon. För platser som är svåra att komma åt, t.ex. som djup skog kan riggen demonteras till mindre delar för att bäras av människans makt och kan lätt monteras senare på borrplatsen. Application Geotechnical Investigations: The HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is commonly used for geotechnical drilling to assess soil and rock properties. It helps engineers and geologists understand subsurface conditions, soil composition, and stability, which is essential for construction and foundation design. Environmental Site Assessment: Environmental professionals use this rig for soil and groundwater sampling during environmental site assessments and remediation projects. It aids in determining the extent of contamination and monitoring environmental conditions. Water Well Drilling: The Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is suitable for drilling water wells, providing a reliable source of clean and potable water for various purposes, including communities, agriculture, and industries. Mineral Exploration: In the mining industry, the HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig can be used for shallow to moderate-depth mineral exploration and prospecting. It helps identify and assess mineral deposits and geological formations. Core Sampling: The Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is equipped for core sampling, allowing researchers and scientists to collect geological core samples for laboratory analysis. This is crucial for studying Earth's crust, climate history, and subsurface characteristics. Construction and Foundation Work: Construction companies use the rig for tasks such as foundation drilling , pile installation, and site investigation. It ensures the stability and safety of construction projects. Civil Engineering Projects: The HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is valuable for civil engineering projects that require drilling for infrastructure development, including bridges, tunnels, and dams. Scientific Research: Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is suitable for scientific research initiatives related to geology, seismology, and ground exploration. The rig can be used in seismic studies and the monitoring of geological phenomena. Educational and Training: Educational institutions and training centers often use this rig to provide hands-on training to students and professionals in the fields of geology, drilling , and engineering. Soil Testing: Soil testing laboratories may employ this rig to collect undisturbed soil samples for laboratory analysis and soil classification. The HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig 's versatility, substantial drilling depth, and range of applications make it a versatile tool for professionals and researchers involved in various industries, from construction and mining to environmental science and geotechnical engineering. It offers the power and adaptability needed for demanding drilling tasks. Performance The HS-150T Diesel Gasoline Engineering Drilling Rig is a robust and powerful drilling machine designed for a wide range of engineering and exploration applications. Below are the specifications and potential applications of the HS-150T: Key Specifications: Engine Type: Diesel or Gasoline Drilling Depth: Up to 150 meters Drill Pipe Diameter: 42mm Supporting Power: 5.7kW (single-cylinder water-cooled diesel engine) or equivalent gasoline engine Drilling Diameter: 73-146mm Rig Height: Approximately 4.5 meters Weight: Varies depending on configuration and engine type Active Drill Pipe: 3 meters (length) Drilling Machine Size: Dimensions vary based on configuration How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar あなたの思いをシェアしませんか 一番最初のコメントを書いてみましょう。 FAQ Q: What is a drilling rig in geology? A drilling rig is an integrated system that drills wells, such as oil or water wells, or holes for piling and other construction purposes, into the earth's subsurface. Q: What is exploration drilling? The drilling of boreholes from the surface or from underground workings, to seek and locate coal or mineral deposits and to establish geological structure. Q: Which type of drilling is used for exploration purpose? Depending on the purpose and budget of the project, there are several types of drilling methods available, but reverse circulation and diamond are by far the most common for mineral exploration. Q: What are the two types of drilling rigs? Therefore, based on these, there are two different types of offshore drilling rigs, Bottom-Supported Units and Floating Units, figure (4). This refers to the rigs that are on contact with the seafloor when they are placed in position.

  • Engineering Exploration Drilling Rig |Hans Exploration Drill Rig

    2C Bensinmotorprovtagning Borrigg Kort introduktion 2C borrmaskin för provtagning av bensinmotorer används för geologiska industriella och civila byggnader, broar, järnvägar, motorvägar, vattenkraftsindustrins undersökning, geofysisk undersökning, avancerad borrning och injekteringshålborrning. 2C borrmotor för provtagning av bensinmotorer har följande funktioner: kompakt struktur, liten volym, låg vikt, två växlar, lätt att flytta. Application Geological Surveys: The 2C Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig is utilized for geological surveys and subsurface investigations, enabling the collection of valuable geological data and samples. Mineral Exploration: It plays a crucial role in mineral exploration projects by drilling core samples to assess mineral deposits and geology. Soil Sampling: This rig is suitable for soil sampling applications, including environmental assessments, agricultural research, and geotechnical studies. Core Drilling: It is equipped to conduct core drilling operations, which involve extracting cylindrical rock or soil samples for analysis and research. Geotechnical Investigations: Geotechnical engineers use this rig to assess soil properties, stability, and composition for construction and engineering projects. Environmental Assessments: The rig is employed in environmental assessments to investigate soil and groundwater conditions, aiding in contamination assessments and remediation efforts. Scientific Research: It is valuable for scientific research projects that require subsurface sampling and data collection. Exploration and Exploration Drilling: Professionals in exploration industries utilize this rig to gather critical information during exploration activities. The 2C Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig 's gasoline-powered design, portability, and adaptability make it an essential tool for professionals in geological, environmental, exploration, and scientific fields. Whether used for mineral exploration, soil sampling, geotechnical investigations, or environmental assessments, this rig offers efficient drilling capabilities to obtain valuable subsurface information for various applications. Performance The "2C Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig " is a specialized drilling equipment designed for a variety of geological and exploration purposes. Here are the key features and applications of the 2C Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig: Gasoline Engine: The drilling rig is powered by a gasoline engine, providing a reliable and portable source of energy for drilling operations. Compact and Portable: With a compact and lightweight design, the drilling rig is easily transportable and suitable for use in remote or challenging terrains. Versatile Drilling: The drilling rig is equipped for various drilling methods and can handle tasks such as soil sampling, core drilling, and geotechnical investigations. Two-Speed Options: It offers two-speed options, allowing operators to adapt to different drilling conditions and soil types. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. FAQ Q: What are the activities of core drilling? Mining starts with geological exploration and ends with the delivery of raw materials. At the geological exploration stage, miners explore for new deposits, and use drilling to define the potential of existing mine sites. Q: What is the best geophysical method for mineral exploration? Seismic surveys are an extremely useful geophysical method for studying the ground conditions to a significant depth and over a large area. Seismic is utilised in many applications for subsurface investigations, mineral exploration being one of them. Q: How important is coring in geology? Coring provides the only means of obtaining high quality samples for the direct measurement of rock and reservoir properties. Cores provide both geological and engineering information, and their analysis ultimately leads to a profitable field development. Many coring systems exist. Q: What are the six major geophysical exploration methods? These methods are: 1. Gravity method. 2. Seismic method. 3. Electromagnetic method. 4. Geothermal method. 5. Magnetic method. 6. Electrical method. 7. Radiometric method.

  • HS1602 Drilling Mud Pump | Backpack Drill Rig

    HS1602-lerpumpen är en horisontell 、 tre-cylindrig enkelverkande 、 ömsesidig kolvpump. Den används huvudsakligen för att leverera spolvätska till borrbrunnen vid teknikborrens bergborrning eller undersökningsborrning. Skalet är A-legerat, så det är lätt. Pumpen har två hastigheter och är lätt att använda. PERFORMANCE The HS1602 Mud Pump is designed for specific performance in the context of engineering drill's bedrock drilling or exploratory drilling. Here are the key performance characteristics and features of the pump: Horizontal Three-Cylinder Design: The pump features a horizontal, three-cylinder, single-acting, reciprocal piston design. This configuration is known for its reliability and efficiency in pumping operations. Flushing Fluid Supply: The primary purpose of the pump is to supply flushing or drilling fluid to the wellbore during engineering drill's bedrock drilling or exploratory drilling. This fluid is crucial for cooling the drill bit, carrying away cuttings, and maintaining borehole stability. Lightweight A-Alloy Shell: The pump's shell is constructed from lightweight A-alloy, which enhances portability and ease of handling. This lightweight construction is advantageous for fieldwork and transportation to drilling sites. Two-Speed Operation: The pump is equipped with two-speed settings, allowing for flexibility in operation. Operators can adjust the pump's speed based on drilling requirements and conditions, optimizing drilling performance. Ease of Operation: The pump is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for operators to control and adjust the pump's settings during drilling operations. Durability: The A-alloy shell contributes to the pump's durability and longevity, ensuring that it can withstand the rigors of drilling operations in challenging environments. Fluid Efficiency: The pump is engineered to provide efficient and consistent delivery of drilling or flushing fluid, which is critical for drilling productivity and borehole maintenance. Borehole Stability: By supplying the necessary flushing fluid, the pump helps maintain borehole stability and prevents potential issues like borehole collapse or sticking of the drill string. Cooling of Drill Bit: The continuous supply of drilling fluid aids in cooling the drill bit, preventing overheating and ensuring optimal drilling performance. Exploratory Drilling: The pump is suitable for exploratory drilling projects where the objective is to investigate subsurface conditions, collect geological data, and assess the suitability of the drilling location for various purposes. Bedrock Drilling: In bedrock drilling applications, the pump supports the penetration of hard rock formations, providing essential lubrication and cuttings removal. Fieldwork Flexibility: Its lightweight design, ease of operation, and efficient fluid supply make the pump suitable for fieldwork in diverse geological conditions and remote locations. Overall, the HS1602 Mud Pump's performance is tailored to the specific requirements of engineering drill's bedrock drilling and exploratory drilling. Its ability to supply flushing fluid efficiently, control fluid flow with two-speed settings, and withstand challenging drilling environments makes it a valuable tool for professionals in geological exploration and engineering drilling. Specific performance metrics and capabilities may vary based on the exact model and configuration of the pump. APPLICATION The HS1602 Mud Pump is specifically designed for supplying flushing fluid during engineering drill's bedrock drilling and exploratory drilling operations. Here are the primary applications where the pump is effectively utilized: Engineering Drill's Bedrock Drilling: The pump plays a crucial role in supplying flushing or drilling fluid to the wellbore during bedrock drilling operations. It assists in the penetration of hard rock formations, ensuring proper lubrication of the drill bit and efficient removal of cuttings. Exploratory Drilling: In exploratory drilling projects, the pump is used to provide the necessary drilling fluid for collecting geological data, assessing subsurface conditions, and determining the suitability of drilling locations for various purposes, such as mineral exploration or construction. Geological and Geotechnical Investigations: Geologists and geotechnical engineers rely on the pump to maintain borehole stability and facilitate the collection of core samples and soil samples for geological and geotechnical assessments. Field Surveys and Assessments: The pump is employed in field surveys and assessments where drilling is required to investigate soil or rock properties, assess foundation conditions, or evaluate the geological characteristics of a site. Construction and Infrastructure Development: In construction and infrastructure development projects, the pump supports drilling activities aimed at evaluating the suitability of the ground for building foundations, bridges, roads, and other structures. Environmental Site Investigations: Environmental professionals use the pump for drilling and soil sampling during environmental site investigations, helping assess soil and groundwater quality and contamination levels. Mineral Exploration: The pump may find application in mineral exploration projects, supplying drilling fluids for core drilling to assess mineral deposits and geological formations. Geothermal Drilling: In geothermal drilling applications, the pump assists in drilling operations to access subsurface geothermal resources for energy production. Water Well Drilling: Although its primary use is in exploratory and bedrock drilling, the pump may also be adapted for water well drilling in certain conditions where its characteristics align with project requirements. Remote or Challenging Locations: Its lightweight design and ease of operation make the pump suitable for use in remote or challenging drilling locations, allowing for flexibility in fieldwork. The HS1602 Mud Pump's performance is tailored to the specific needs of supplying flushing fluid during drilling operations in various geological and engineering applications. Its ability to efficiently deliver drilling fluid, control fluid flow with two-speed settings, and withstand demanding drilling environments enhances its practicality and value in the field. Specific applications should be determined based on project requirements and geological or environmental conditions. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar अपने विचार साझा करें टिप्पणी करने वाले पहले व्यक्ति बनें। FAQ Q: What does a exploration driller do? Drillers assemble, position and operate drilling rigs and related equipment, to extract ore, liquids or gases from the earth. Specialisations: Directional Driller, Exploration Driller, Jumbo Operator, Power Tong Operator, Raise Drill Operator, Rig Manager, Rock Drill Operator, Stope Miner, Tool Pusher. Q: What is the difference between drilling and core drilling? Core drilling is the drilling process for acquiring core log samples for rock sampling while drilling and blasting is a process to drill holes where to put eventually the explosives for blasting. Core drilling is used to obtain samples. Q: What are the two types of drilling rigs? Therefore, based on these, there are two different types of offshore drilling rigs, Bottom-Supported Units and Floating Units, figure (4). This refers to the rigs that are on contact with the seafloor when they are placed in position. Q: How does a coring rig work? A core drill, which is cylindrical and hollow and made of metal with diamond or carbide coated drill tips is used for the purpose. The core drill cuts through the ground surface to extract the sample from the required depth. Core drilling retrieves usable samples for geotechnical investigation.

  • Gasoline Electric Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    Hem / Bensinrigg för bensinelektrisk provtagning / Tvåfasig borrigg för provtagning Tvåfasig elektrisk provtagningsborrigg är en tvåfasig elektrisk provtagningsborrigg som produceras av Shandong Master Machinery Group. Den är lämplig för alla typer av geologisk utforskning, som industriella och civila byggnader, broar, järnvägar, vägar och så vidare. HS-1A tvåfas elektrisk provborrning är bara 80 kg; höjden är mindre än 2 meter, och borriggen kan bryta ner strukturen. Därför är det lätt att flytta och manövrera. Trefas elektrisk provtagningsborrigg trefasig elektrisk provtagningsborrigg, tillverkad av Shandong Master Machinery Group. Den är lämplig för industriella och civila byggnader, broar, järnvägar, vägar, verktyg och andra sektorer inom geologisk utforskning. Application Geotechnical Investigations: Used to determine subsurface conditions for construction and engineering projects, ensuring proper foundation design. Mineral Exploration: Employed for collecting core samples to assess the mineral content and geological characteristics of an area in mining and mineral exploration. Environmental Site Assessment: Used for collecting soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination and plan site remediation in environmental studies. Construction Projects: Used to assess soil conditions for building construction, road construction, and infrastructure development. Research and Surveys: Essential in geological surveys and research projects to gather data about the Earth's subsurface. Water Well Drilling: In some cases, it can be adapted for drilling water wells to access groundwater sources. In summary, a "Two and Three Phase Electric Sampling Drilling Rig" offers flexibility in terms of its power supply options, making it suitable for various drilling and sampling tasks in geological, environmental, and construction applications. It plays a crucial role in collecting subsurface samples for analysis and decision-making in these fields. Performance Geotechnical Investigations: Used to determine subsurface conditions for construction and engineering projects, ensuring proper foundation design. Mineral Exploration: Employed for collecting core samples to assess the mineral content and geological characteristics of an area in mining and mineral exploration. Environmental Site Assessment: Used for collecting soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination and plan site remediation in environmental studies. Construction Projects: Used to assess soil conditions for building construction, road construction, and infrastructure development. Research and Surveys: Essential in geological surveys and research projects to gather data about the Earth's subsurface. Water Well drilling : In some cases, it can be adapted for drilling water wells to access groundwater sources. In summary, a "Two and Three Phase Electric Sampling Drilling Rig" offers flexibility in terms of its power supply options, making it suitable for various drilling and sampling tasks in geological, environmental, and construction applications. It plays a crucial role in collecting subsurface samples for analysis and decision-making in these fields. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar Compartilhe sua opinião Seja o primeiro a escrever um comentário. FAQ Q: What is core drilling mineral exploration? Core drilling produces cores of sub-surface material and is the most commonly used method of obtaining information about the presence of minerals or precious metals, as well as rock formations. The core drilling method gives the geologist the opportunity to analyze the sample by eye as well as by more advanced methods. Q: What are the 3 types of exploration? You can use the phrase to introduce a list or description of different kinds of exploration, such as scientific, archaeological, or literary exploration. For example: "This essay will discuss several types of exploration, including scientific, archaeological and literary exploration.". Q: What is a core drill in mining? What is core drilling in mining? Core drilling is the process of using a hollow centred drill bit to produce cylindrical rock cores from a rock mass . A core bit cuts in rock drilling or in boring earth material. It's made out of diamond or ring of small roller cones and steel teeth. Q: Why is drilling and core logging important in mineral exploration? CORE LOGS ARE USED TO MODEL POTENTIAL ORE DEPOSITS, DETERMINE SIZE, GRADE, AND MINE FEASIBILITY THE QUALITY OF CORE LOGGING IS CRITICAL TO ACCURATE REPORTING OF MINERAL RESOURCES AT ALL STAGES OF EXPLORATION AND MINING AS EXPLORATION GEOLOGISTS, CORE LOGGING IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT & FREQUENT JOBS THE INDUSTRY ...

  • HS-2001A Engineering Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    HS-2001A engineering borrigg är en bärbar multi-purpose engineering survey and construction borrigg, som är lämplig för teknisk geologisk prospektering i industriella och civila byggnader, järnvägar, broar, vattenkraft och andra avdelningar, samt byggande av små kaliber grundhålshål. : 1. Brett hastighetsområde och rimlig kvalitet. 2. Låg rotationshastighet och stort vridmoment, som kan användas för provtagning av borriggar och konstruktion av påshål. 3. Utrustad med främre och bakre rörliga oljecylindrar ger det mycket bekvämt för borrverktyget. 4. Oljetrycksmatning, enkel användning, hög borrningseffektivitet och låg arbetsintensitet. 5. Kompakt struktur, liten storlek och låg vikt. 6. Den kan användas i kombination med ZL-1A gummi crawler gångchassi. Det är bekvämt och snabbt att flytta och samla tornet; den kan också användas i fyrhörnartornet, vilket är obekvämt att flytta. GY-200-1A teknisk borr antas med hydraulisk tryckmatningsstruktur, den kan fortsätta attackera och gyrera borrning och används för teknisk geologisk utforskning på väg, järnväg, brogrund, damplats, väl, prospektering eller industriell och civil arkitektur. Den kan också användas inom ankerstångsteknik. Application Geotechnical Investigations: The HS-2001A drilling rig is commonly used for geotechnical drilling to assess soil and rock conditions. It helps engineers and geologists understand subsurface characteristics for construction and infrastructure projects. Soil Sampling: It is employed to collect soil samples for laboratory analysis. These samples help determine soil composition, strength, and suitability for construction. Environmental Site Assessment: The drilling rig can be used for environmental drilling to install groundwater monitoring wells and collect soil samples for environmental site assessments. Mineral Exploration: Depending on the rig's capabilities, it may be adapted for shallow mineral exploration activities, including core drilling and rock sampling. Foundation Engineering: Engineers use this rig to conduct soil investigations for designing stable foundations for buildings, bridges, and other structures. Water Well Drilling: In some cases, the rig may be adapted for water well drilling to access groundwater sources for domestic, agricultural, or industrial use. Seismic Testing: The rig may be used in geophysical surveys for seismic testing to study subsurface geological conditions. Construction Projects: It plays a crucial role in construction projects to assess ground conditions, determine the appropriate foundation design, and ensure safety. Infrastructure Development: The drilling rig is used to investigate soil and rock conditions along the routes of roads, tunnels, and pipelines to inform construction planning and design. Research and Education: Educational institutions and research organizations utilize the drilling rig for research purposes and to train geologists and engineers in drilling techniques. The HS-2001A Engineering drilling rig 's adaptability and power make it a valuable tool for conducting geotechnical investigations, environmental assessments, and various engineering projects. Its ability to penetrate the subsurface and collect valuable data contributes to informed decision-making in construction and development. Performance The HS-2001A Engineering drilling rig is a versatile and powerful drilling machine designed for various engineering and geotechnical drilling applications. Here are its key specifications and potential applications: Key Specifications: Drilling Depth: Typically capable of drilling to significant depths, depending on the specific configuration and drilling conditions. Drill Pipe Diameter: Varies based on the type of drilling and the specific drill bit used. Supporting Power: Equipped with a powerful engine or motor to drive the drilling operation. Drilling Diameter: Varies based on the type of drilling and the specific drill bit used. Rig Type: Engineering drilling rig suitable for geotechnical investigations and exploration. Weight: Can vary significantly based on thedrilling rig's size and configuration. Active Drill Pipe: Typically includesdrilling drill pipes or rods used for the drilling process. Drilling Machine Size: Dimensions vary based on the rig's design and capacity. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. FAQ Q: What is the exploration method in geology? Geological exploration follows a sequence of multidisciplinary activities: reconnaissance, discovery, prospecting, and economic mining. The exploration concept looks for a package of unique stratigraphic age, promising favorable rocks, and type structure to host certain groups of minerals. Q: What is the maintenance of a drilling rig? Daily maintenance checks should include: Inspecting for Leaks: Check all components for signs of leaks, such as fluid drips or stains. Pay particular attention to hydraulic lines, connections, and valves. Checking Oil and Fluid Levels: Ensure that oil, hydraulic fluid, and other fluids are at appropriate levels. Q: Is exploration drilling bad for the environment? Exploring and drilling for oil may disturb land and marine ecosystems. Seismic techniques used to explore for oil under the ocean floor may harm fish and marine mammals. Drilling an oil well on land often requires clearing an area of vegetation Q: What are the three types of drilling methods? The main types of drilling systems include rotary drilling, percussion drilling, and rotary-percussion drilling. Rotary drilling involves a rotating drill bit, percussion drilling uses a hammering action, and rotary-percussion drilling combines both methods to penetrate various soil and rock conditions.

  • HS-1 Hydraulic Core Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    Hydraulisk prospekteringsbensinmotor bärbar jordblandningsbränsleprovtagningsborrigg är jämförbar med en enorm hydraulisk och pneumatisk borrigg. Borriggen är en dynamisk bensinborrmaskin som används för markprovtagning. Riggen använder bensinkraft och är enkel att använda. Riggen är säker och stabil i prestanda. Det kan kraftigt minska arbetskraften med hänsyn till den snabba och enkla provtagningshastigheten. Tillämpningar av bärbar rigg för provtagning av bensinmotor HS-1 · Geoteknikutredning, miljöjordundersökning, jordbruksjordundersökning. · Grundvattenundersökning, kustgeologisk undersökning, våtmarksmiljöundersökning. · Undersökning av svansdamm, arkeologisk undersökning, fysisk kemi och sekundär halo-provtagning. PERFORMANCE The HS-1 Hydraulic Exploration Sampling Drilling R ig , based on the information provided, offers several noteworthy performance characteristics: Power Source: The drilling rig utilizes gasoline power, which generally provides a reliable and readily available source of energy for drilling operations. Gasoline engines are known for their ease of operation. Portability: Being described as "portable" suggests that the drilling rig is relatively easy to transport between different job sites. This mobility is crucial for fieldwork and expedited soil sampling. Simplicity of Operation: The drilling rig's simple operation can be a significant advantage, as it reduces the learning curve for operators and allows for efficient and straightforward drilling and sampling procedures. Safety and Stability: Safety and stability are essential in drilling operations, and the rig is reported to be safe and stable in performance. This is a critical factor to prevent accidents and ensure accurate sample collection. Labor Efficiency: The ability to greatly reduce the labor force is a valuable aspect of the rig's performance. It suggests that the rig is designed to streamline the drilling process, reducing the physical demands on operators and potentially increasing productivity. Sampling Speed: The drilling rig's ability to provide rapid and simple sampling is a significant performance feature. Efficient sampling speed can expedite project timelines and data collection efforts. Versatility: While not explicitly mentioned, the drilling rig's versatility in terms of drilling methods (e.g., auger drilling , core drilling ) may contribute to its overall performance, allowing it to adapt to different geological conditions. Environmental Impact: Gasoline-powered equipment typically generates emissions, so environmental considerations may be important. Depending on local regulations and environmental concerns, this aspect of performance may need to be managed. Maintenance: The rig's ease of maintenance and durability are also critical performance factors. Equipment that requires minimal downtime for maintenance can enhance overall productivity. Sample Quality: While not specified, the quality of the samples collected is a fundamental performance metric. High-quality, undisturbed samples are essential for accurate geological and environmental analysis. Depth Capability: The rig's drilling depth capacity may vary depending on the model and configuration, but it should meet the depth requirements of the intended applications. It's important to note that the actual performance of the HS-1 Hydraulic Exploration Sampling Drilling R ig can depend on the specific model and manufacturer, as well as proper operator training and maintenance practices. Users should ensure that the rig meets their project requirements and complies with safety and environmental regulations. APPLICATION The HS-1 Hydraulic Exploration Sampling Drilling R ig , described as a dynamic gasoline driller for soil sampling with a focus on simplicity, safety, and labor efficiency, can find various applications across different industries. Here are some common applications where the rig can be used: Geological Exploration: The drilling rig is suitable for geological exploration to collect soil and rock samples for analyzing geological formations, mineral deposits, and subsurface structures. Environmental Site Assessments: Environmental consultants and scientists can use the rig for soil sampling during site assessments to evaluate contamination levels and assess environmental hazards. Construction and Civil Engineering: The drilling rig can be employed in construction projects to gather soil samples for foundation design, ensuring the stability and safety of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Geotechnical Investigations: Geotechnical engineers can use the rig to investigate soil properties, such as soil composition, density, and bearing capacity, which are critical for construction and infrastructure projects. Mineral Prospecting: The rig may be used in mineral prospecting activities to collect samples for identifying and assessing valuable mineral resources. Agriculture and Soil Research: Soil scientists and agronomists can utilize the rig for agricultural research, studying soil properties and nutrient levels to improve crop yields and land management. Water Resource Management: Hydrogeologists may use the rig for groundwater studies, including collecting soil and water samples to monitor water quality and assess aquifer conditions. Archaeological Excavations: Archaeologists can employ the rig for archaeological excavations, collecting samples and conducting subsurface investigations at historical or archaeological sites. Geophysical Surveys: The rig can be part of geophysical survey projects to understand subsurface conditions, such as for mineral exploration or environmental investigations. Well Drilling and Monitoring: It may be used for drilling small household wells and groundwater monitoring wells, ensuring a stable water supply. Research and Education: Academic institutions and research organizations can use the rig for scientific research and educational purposes, teaching students about drilling techniques and subsurface sampling. Remote or Challenging Locations: The rig's portability and simplicity of operation make it suitable for remote or challenging terrains where more massive drilling rigs may be impractical. Overall, the HS-1 Hydraulic Exploration Sampling Drilling R ig appears to be a versatile and adaptable tool for a wide range of applications that involve subsurface sampling and data collection. Its emphasis on reducing labor requirements and providing rapid, simple sampling can be particularly advantageous in scenarios where efficiency and cost-effectiveness are crucial. However, the specific suitability of the rig for a given project should be evaluated based on the project's requirements and geological or environmental conditions. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar Comparteix la teva opinió Sigues el primer a escriure un comentari. FAQ Q: How many types of drilling are there in mining? There are a large number of different types of drilling and this factsheet covers the two basic methods which are most commonly used, rotary drilling and rotary percussive drilling. Q: What is core drilling in mining? What is core drilling? Core drilling produces cores of sub-surface material and is the most commonly used method of obtaining information about the presence of minerals or precious metals, as well as rock formations. Q: What are mining drills called? A drifter drill, sometimes called a rock drill, is a tool used in mining and civil engineering to drill into rock. Rock drills are used for making holes for placing dynamite or other explosives in rock blasting, and holes for plug and feather quarrying. Q: What is the purpose of drilling in exploration? ​Drilling is the process of penetrating through the ground and extracting rocks from various depths beneath the surface for confirming the geology beneath and/or providing samples for chemical analysis.

  • HS-150B Engineering Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    Den integrerade borriggen HS-150B är en bärbar och multifunktionell borrigg för teknisk undersökning, som är lämplig för teknisk geologisk undersökning i industriella och civila byggnader, järnvägar, broar, vattenkraft och andra avdelningar, samt byggande av små diameter grundhål. Rig funktioner: 1: Brett hastighetsområde, rimlig växel. 2: Låg hastighet och högt vridmoment, kan anpassas till provtagningen av borriggen och konstruktionen av påshålet. 3: Höghastighets diamantborr med liten diameter, kan anpassas till konstruktionen av borriggspålinspektion. 4: Anta kombinerad friktionskon och astralhjulstypshiss med avancerad struktur och god påverkan. 5: Oljetrycksmatning, enkel drift och hög borrningseffektivitet. 6: Skivspelaren antar T-spår vinkelförändringsanordning, som har ett vidvinkeländringsområde, så att den kan borra hål med olika lutningsvinklar. 7: Kompakt struktur, riggvattenpumpen och dieselmotorn installeras på samma bas och upptar ett litet flygplatsområde. 8: Liten storlek, lätt vikt, enkel demontering och omplacering. 9: Turbinboxen är utrustad med en fläkt för att säkerställa värmeavledning. Application Water Well Drilling: The HS-150B Integrated Drilling Rig is primarily used for drilling water wells. It integrates drilling and pumping functions, making it efficient for accessing underground water sources. This is essential for providing clean and potable water to communities, agriculture, and industries. Irrigation Systems: The HS-150B Integrated Drilling Rig can be used to install wells and boreholes for irrigation systems, ensuring a sustainable water supply for agricultural purposes. Geotechnical Drilling: HS-150B Integrated Drilling Rig may be employed for geotechnical drilling to assess soil and rock properties for construction and foundation design. Environmental Monitoring: The HS-150B Integrated Drilling Rig can support environmental monitoring efforts by drilling boreholes for groundwater sampling and monitoring wells. It aids in assessing environmental conditions and groundwater quality. Dewatering: In construction and mining projects, the HS-150B Integrated Drilling Rig can be used to create dewatering wells to lower the water table and facilitate excavation or construction in water-saturated areas. Pump Testing: The Integrated pump system allows for pump testing and performance assessments, ensuring the efficient operation of water supply systems. Aquifer Testing: Hydrogeologists use the drilling rig for aquifer testing to determine the properties and characteristics of underground aquifers, aiding in sustainable water resource management. Emergency Response: The portable nature of the drilling rig makes it suitable for emergency response situations, such as providing access to water sources in disaster-stricken areas. Groundwater Development: It supports groundwater development projects aimed at increasing access to clean water for communities and rural areas. Mineral Exploration: While primarily designed for water-related drilling, the drilling rig may also be adapted for shallow mineral exploration activities where water wells and access to water sources are required for mining operations. The HS-150B Integrated Drilling Rig 's combination of drilling and pumping capabilities makes it a valuable tool for water-related projects, environmental assessments, and groundwater management. Its versatility and efficiency in accessing water sources contribute to the availability of clean water for various applications and industries. Performance he HS-150B Integrated Drilling Rig is a specialized drilling machine designed for various drilling and pumping applications. Below are its specifications and potential applications: Key Specifications: Drilling Depth: Up to 150 meters Drill Pipe Diameter: 42mm Supporting Power: Equipped with a pump for water circulation and drilling Drilling Diameter: 73-146mm Rig Type: Integrated pump rig Weight: Varies depending on configuration Active Drill Pipe: Typically includes a drill pipe for drilling and a pump system for water circulation Drilling Machine Size: Dimensions vary based on configuration How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. FAQ Q: What are the 3 types of exploration? You can use the phrase to introduce a list or description of different kinds of exploration, such as scientific, archaeological, or literary exploration. For example: "This essay will discuss several types of exploration, including scientific, archaeological and literary exploration.". Q: Why is drilling important in exploration? By its very nature, mineral exploration involves drilling to discover what is below the surface. Drilling is used to obtain detailed information about rock types, mineral content, rock fabric and the relationship between the rock layers close to the surface and at depth. Q: What are the three main types of drill rigs? Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing equipment used to drill water wells, oil wells, or natural gas extraction wells, or they can be small enough to be moved manually by one person and such are called augers. Q: What is the difference between drilling and exploration? These methods are supplemented by aerial or satellite photography and combined with historical maps and literature to develop detailed maps of surface and underground rock formations. Drilling is used to search for mineral occurrences or clues in the rocks that may lead to mineral deposits.

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