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  • Backpack Drill Rig | Hans Backpack Drill Rig Equipment

    Huis / Ondiepe rugzakboormachine / Ondiepe rugzakboormachine Ondiepe rugzak Diamond Exploration Core Drill Rig dat Volgens verschillende geologische omstandigheden, kunt u een boorbit van diamant, gelegeerd of staaldelen kiezen om te boren. U kunt ook non-stop oefenen met het voeden van boorpalen, dan is de efficiëntie hoog. Gecentraliseerde handgrepen maken de bediening eenvoudig. Compacte structuur, klein volume, licht van gewicht, gemakkelijk te demonteren en te verplaatsen, waardoor het geschikt is om te werken in vlakke en bergachtige gebieden. De betrouwbare functie, het volledige boren en de flexibele werking zijn geschikt voor veldwerk, verbeteren vervolgens de efficiëntie en verlagen de bemonsteringskosten, die internationale geavanceerde kwaliteit hebben bereikt. Application Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are used in various applications for geological and environmental exploration. The applications include: Geological Exploration: These drill rigs are used to collect Core samples from the Earth's subsurface. Geologists use these samples to study the composition, structure, and mineral content of rock formations. This information is vital for locating valuable mineral deposits, understanding geological history, and assessing the feasibility of mining operations. Environmental Site Assessment: Core drilling is an essential part of environmental site assessments. It helps in soil and groundwater sampling to detect the presence of contaminants or pollutants. This information is crucial for assessing the environmental impact of industrial activities, underground storage tanks, and landfills. Mineral Exploration: Backpack core drill rigs are used by prospectors and mining companies to explore potential mineral deposits. By extracting Core samples from different depths, geologists can analyze the mineral content and quality, helping in the decision-making process for mining operations. Construction and Engineering: Core drilling is used in construction and civil engineering projects to assess the stability and composition of the subsurface. It helps engineers determine the suitability of the ground for building foundations, bridges, and other infrastructure. Archaeological Research: Archaeologists use core drilling to investigate archaeological sites and study the layers of soil and sediment. This technique aids in uncovering artifacts, fossils, and historical evidence buried beneath the surface. Oil and Gas Exploration: In the oil and gas industry, core drilling is employed to collect samples from potential reservoirs deep underground. These samples provide critical information about the composition and characteristics of subsurface rock formations, aiding in the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons. Research and Education: Core drilling is used in educational and research institutions to train geology students and conduct scientific investigations. It allows researchers to gather data for various geological and environmental studies. Monitoring Groundwater: Core drilling can be used to install monitoring wells for tracking groundwater levels and quality. This is important for managing water resources and assessing potential contamination issues. Civil Engineering Studies: Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are used for various civil engineering studies, including soil mechanics, geological hazard assessments, and foundation investigations for construction projects. Cave Exploration: In speleology (the study of caves), Core drilling can be used to collect samples and explore underground cave systems and their geological formations. These applications highlight the versatility of Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig in scientific research, environmental protection, resource exploration, and construction projects. They play a crucial role in gathering subsurface data that informs decision-making across multiple industries. Performance The performance of a Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is essential for ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of geological and environmental exploration activities. Here are some key performance aspects: Drilling Depth: The drill rig's performance is often measured by its drilling depth capability. Depending on the model and design, Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig can achieve various drilling depths. Higher drilling depth capacity allows geologists and engineers to collect samples from greater depths in the Earth's subsurface. Core Sample Quality: Performance is closely related to the quality of the Core samples obtained. A high-quality drill rig should provide undisturbed and intact Core samples that accurately represent the geological formations being explored. The rig's Core recovery rate is a critical performance indicator. Drilling Speed: Efficiency in drilling is crucial, especially when conducting large-scale exploration projects. Faster drilling speeds can increase productivity and reduce the time required to collect Core samples. However, speed should not compromise sample quality. Versatility: A versatile drill rig can adapt to various geological conditions and types of formations. It should be capable of drilling through different rock types, soils, and sediments encountered during exploration. Ease of Operation: Performance also includes the ease of setup, operation, and maintenance of the drill rig . User-friendly controls, quick assembly, and minimal downtime for maintenance contribute to overall performance. Portability: As Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are designed for fieldwork, their portability is a crucial performance factor. They should be lightweight and easy to transport to remote or rugged locations without sacrificing stability and durability. Safety Features: The drill rig should incorporate safety features to protect operators during drilling operations. This includes safeguards against kickbacks, vibration reduction, and ergonomic design for operator comfort. Sample Handling: Efficient sample handling mechanisms, such as Core barrel retrieval systems and storage solutions, contribute to the drill rig 's performance. Quick and safe retrieval of Core samples ensures minimal sample damage. Durability and Reliability: A reliable drill rig can withstand challenging field conditions and continue operating without frequent breakdowns. Durability is essential for long-term use in demanding environments. Power Source: The performance of the power source, whether gasoline, electric, or other, is critical. It should provide sufficient power to drive the drilling operation consistently and efficiently. Sample Recovery Rate: The rig's ability to recover a high percentage of Core samples compared to the total depth drilled is a key performance metric. A high Core recovery rate ensures that valuable geological information is obtained. Accuracy and Precision: Precision in drilling and sample collection is crucial for accurate geological assessments. Minimal deviation from the intended drilling path and precise Core sample measurements are indicators of good performance. Environmental Impact: Performance can also be evaluated based on the drill rig's environmental impact. Minimizing soil and groundwater disturbance during drilling is important for environmentally sensitive areas. In summary, a well-performing Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig should excel in drilling depth, Core sample quality, drilling speed, versatility, ease of operation, portability, safety, sample handling, durability, and reliability. It should meet the specific needs of geological and environmental exploration projects while minimizing environmental impact and ensuring operator safety. FAQ Q: What are the different types of exploration drill rigs? Whether it is for exploration, production, land-clearing or geotechnical purposes, there are drilling methods that serve every mining purpose. Auger Drilling. ... Rotary Air Blasting. ... Aircore. ... Reverse Circulation Drilling. ... Diamond Core Drilling. ... Blast Hole Drilling. ... Surface Top Hammer Drill Rigs. ... Surface Down-The-Hole Drill Rigs. Q: What size is exploration drilling? What size is exploration drilling? Tube sizes SizeHole (outside) diameter, mmCore (inside) diameter, mm NQ75.747.6 HQ9663.5 HQ39661.1 PQ122.685 Q: How do exploration drills work? It drills into the rock formation by pressing down on the rock (punching) and spinning the drill heads at very high speed (rotation). As it goes deeper underground, a new drill pipe is screwed onto the previous one, an operation that is repeated until the right length is obtained. Q: How is a drilling rig used? Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing equipment used to drill water wells, oil wells, or natural gas extraction wells, or they can be small enough to be moved manually by one person and such are called augers.

  • HS1601 Drilling Mud Pump | Backpack Drill Rig

    HS-160 modderpomp is een horizontale 、 eencilinder dubbelwerkende 、 reciproque zuigerpomp. Deze pomp maakt gebruik van de krukas en aansluiting. Het belangrijkste aangedreven systeem dat goed geolied en van hoge duurzaamheid is, bevindt zich in gesloten positie. De zuigklep en de afvoerkleppen zijn kogelterugslagklep. Het openen en sluiten van de kleppen zijn betrouwbaar en duurzaam. De pomp heeft de voordelen van hoge belasting, matige druk, eenvoudige structuur, gemakkelijk te onderhouden, klein en licht, enzovoort. Het wordt voornamelijk gebruikt voor het toevoeren van de wasvloeistof bij het boren van technische geologie. De vloeistof waarvan het zandgehalte minder is dan 5% of niet corrosief effect op het metaal en de rubberen onderdelen kan door de pomp worden aangevoerd. PERFORMANCE The HS-160 Mud Pump is designed for specific applications, particularly in the field of engineering geology and drilling. The key performance characteristics and features: Horizontal Single-Cylinder Design: The pump features a horizontal, single-cylinder, double-acting, reciprocating piston design. This configuration is known for its simplicity and reliability in pumping operations. Crankshaft and Connecting Rod Driven System: The pump utilizes a crankshaft and connecting rod-driven system, which provides a well-oiled and highly durable operation. This closed system ensures that essential components are protected and maintained. Ball Check Valves for Suction and Discharge: The pump is equipped with ball check valves for both suction and discharge. These valves offer reliable and durable performance, ensuring efficient fluid flow during operation. High-Duty Operation: The pump is capable of high-duty operation, making it suitable for demanding applications that require consistent and reliable pumping performance. Moderate Pressure: It operates at a moderate pressure, which is well-suited for supplying washing liquid in engineering geology drilling operations. Simple Structure: The pump's design features a simple structure, which contributes to ease of maintenance and repair. This simplicity is valuable in fieldwork scenarios. Ease of Maintenance: Maintenance and servicing of the pump are straightforward, allowing for easy upkeep, reduced downtime, and cost-effective operation. Small and Lightweight: The pump is designed to be small and lightweight, enhancing its portability and ease of transportation to drilling sites. Compatibility with Low-Sand Content Liquids: The pump is suitable for supplying liquids with a sand content of less than 5% or those that do not have a corrosive effect on metal and rubber parts. This makes it versatile for various drilling fluid types. Application in Engineering Geology: The pump is primarily used for supplying the washing liquid required in engineering geology drilling operations. It facilitates the circulation of drilling fluids during geological exploration. Durable and Reliable Valves: The ball check valves for suction and discharge contribute to the pump's reliability and durability during extended periods of operation. Versatility: While the pump is designed for specific applications in engineering geology, its versatility allows it to be adapted for other scenarios where its characteristics align with the requirements. The HS-160 Mud Pump's combination of simplicity, reliability, and compatibility with specific drilling fluid types makes it a valuable tool for professionals involved in engineering geology and drilling. Its ability to handle moderate pressure and provide consistent performance in the circulation of drilling fluids contributes to its practicality and efficiency in the field. APPLICATION The HS-160 Mud Pump is designed for specific applications in the field of engineering geology and drilling, particularly for the circulation of drilling fluids and supplying washing liquids. The specific applications where the pump can be effectively utilized: Engineering Geology Drilling: The pump is primarily used in engineering geology drilling operations to supply the necessary washing liquids for the circulation of drilling fluids. It helps in maintaining borehole stability and collecting geological data. Soil Sampling and Core Drilling: It can be employed in soil sampling and core drilling projects, where the circulation of clean drilling fluids is essential to extract undisturbed soil samples and core samples for geological and geotechnical assessments. Environmental Site Assessments: During environmental site assessments, the pump is used to supply washing liquids for soil and groundwater sampling. It aids in assessing contamination levels and environmental hazards. Mineral Exploration: In mineral exploration projects, the pump can be utilized to supply drilling fluids that help extract core samples for mineral analysis and assessment of ore deposits. Foundation Engineering: For foundation engineering studies and assessments, the pump assists in maintaining borehole stability while drilling for soil analysis and assessing soil properties for construction projects. Civil Engineering and Construction: The pump can be used in civil engineering and construction projects to facilitate the circulation of drilling fluids during soil investigations and foundation design. Geotechnical Investigations: Geotechnical investigations, which involve assessing soil and rock conditions for engineering purposes, benefit from the pump's ability to maintain fluid circulation during drilling operations. Hydrogeological Studies: Hydrogeological studies that require groundwater monitoring and borehole assessments use the pump to supply clean fluids for sampling and analysis. Research and Development: In research and development initiatives related to drilling technology and fluid circulation, the pump can be used for experimental drilling and fluid supply. General Drilling Fluid Circulation: While primarily designed for supplying washing liquids, the pump can also be adapted for general drilling fluid circulation in applications where the liquid has low sand content and is non-corrosive to metal and rubber parts. The HS-160 Mud Pump's characteristics, such as its simplicity, reliability, moderate pressure operation, and compatibility with specific drilling fluid types, make it a valuable tool for professionals and projects in the fields of engineering geology, drilling, and geotechnical assessments. Its ability to maintain fluid circulation and supply clean liquids contributes to efficient drilling and sampling operations in various applications. Specific applications should be determined based on project requirements and geological or environmental conditions. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Dela dina tankar Var först med att kommentera. FAQ Q: What is exploration rig? In exploration a drilling rig is a derrick (rig) that is suitable for the development of oil, gas or water deposits by means of deep drilling. The main components of a derrick (rig) are: Steel tower. Sub-construction. Work platform. Q: What is core drilling mineral exploration? Core drilling produces cores of sub-surface material and is the most commonly used method of obtaining information about the presence of minerals or precious metals, as well as rock formations. The core drilling method gives the geologist the opportunity to analyze the sample by eye as well as by more advanced methods. Q: What are the three main types of drill rigs? And site investigation for soil mechanics purposes. In exploration drilling the exploration geologist examines the core sample to see if the rock mass contains any valuable mineralization. Q: What is a CME drill rig? CME drilling rigs are mechanically driven multi-purpose machines with an emphasis on auger drilling. Each machine is custom designed to accommodate the drilling needs and preferences of the end user and can be mounted on skids, trailers, trucks, rubber tracks, or rubber tire ATV carriers.

  • HS-3 Diesel Engine Sampling Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    Korte inleidingen van de HS-3-boorinstallatie voor het bemonsteren van dieselmotoren De HS-3-boorinstallatie voor bemonstering met dieselmotoren is onafhankelijk ontwikkeld door Hans, een draagbare multifunctionele boorinstallatie. De HS-3-boorinstallatie voor het bemonsteren van dieselmotoren is uitgerust met een takel, wat handiger is voor geologisch boren en heffen. Het kan standaard boorgat, aardbemonstering en kegelpenetratie doen met de zware hamer. De HS-3-boorinstallatie voor het bemonsteren van dieselmotoren gebruikt dieselvermogen en het is handiger om olie te kopen. Het tuig is redelijk van ontwerp, geavanceerd van structuur, eenvoudig te monteren en demonteren, klein van formaat, licht in gewicht en gemakkelijk te vervoeren, wat veel gemak biedt voor veldonderzoek en constructie. PERFORMANCE The HS-3 Diesel Engine Sampling Drilling Rig , developed by Hans, offers a range of performance features that make it a versatile and efficient tool for drilling and sampling applications. Here's a summary of its key performance characteristics: Portability: As a portable drilling rig, the HS-3 Drilling Rig is designed for ease of transportation and setup at various job sites. Its mobility allows it to be quickly deployed to different locations, including remote or challenging terrains. Multi-Purpose Functionality: The rig is designed to serve multiple purposes, making it adaptable to a variety of drilling tasks. Its capabilities include standard drilling holes, earth sampling, and cone penetration with a heavy hammer. This versatility allows it to handle different project requirements. Hoist-Equipped: The inclusion of a hoist is a significant performance feature, enhancing the rig's convenience and utility. The hoist makes it easier to handle geological drilling and lifting tasks, improving efficiency and safety during operations. Geological Drilling: The drilling rig is well-suited for geological drilling, which is essential for collecting soil and rock samples for geological assessments, mineral exploration, and environmental studies. Earth Sampling: Earth sampling capabilities enable the collection of soil samples for geotechnical investigations. This is valuable in civil engineering projects to assess soil properties and suitability for construction. Cone Penetration Testing (CPT): The drilling rig's ability to perform cone penetration testing is advantageous for assessing soil properties, determining bearing capacity, and designing foundations in geotechnical engineering. Powerful Diesel Engine: The use of a diesel engine provides ample power for drilling and sampling tasks, ensuring efficient and reliable performance even in challenging soil and rock conditions. Control and Precision: The drilling rig is expected to offer control mechanisms for drilling depth, speed, and direction, allowing operators to achieve precision in drilling and sampling operations. Durable Construction: While not explicitly mentioned, the rig is likely built with durability in mind, capable of withstanding the rigors of drilling operations and ensuring a long service life with minimal downtime for maintenance. Safety Considerations: Safety features and best practices are integral to drilling operations. The rig should incorporate safety mechanisms to protect the operator and maintain safe drilling practices. Versatility: The rig's versatility allows it to be employed in various industries, including construction, mining, geology, and environmental sciences, making it a valuable asset for professionals with diverse project requirements. Overall, the HS-3 Diesel Engine Sampling Drilling Rig 's performance is marked by its flexibility, convenience, and capability to handle a range of drilling and sampling tasks. Its hoist-equipped design, multi-purpose functionality, and powerful diesel engine make it suitable for professionals and projects in various industries. Specific performance metrics and capabilities may vary based on the exact model and configuration chosen for a given project. APPLICATION The HS-3 Diesel Engine Sampling Drilling Rig , developed by Hans, offers versatility and convenience for various drilling and sampling applications. Here are some specific applications where this rig can be effectively utilized: Geological Exploration: The drilling rig is well-suited for geological exploration projects, allowing geologists to collect soil and rock samples for studying geological formations, mineral resources, and subsurface conditions. Environmental Site Assessments: Environmental consultants can employ the rig for soil sampling during site assessments to evaluate contamination levels, assess environmental hazards, and plan remediation efforts. Construction and Civil Engineering: Standard Drilling Holes: The drilling rig can create standard drilling holes for various purposes, including foundation assessments, soil compaction tests, and construction projects. Earth Sampling: It can be used to collect soil samples for geotechnical investigations in civil engineering projects, ensuring stable and safe construction practices. Cone Penetration Testing (CPT): The drilling rig's capability to perform cone penetration testing is valuable for assessing soil properties, determining soil bearing capacity, and designing foundation systems. Utility Installations: In infrastructure development, the drilling rig can create holes for utility installations, including drainage systems, pipelines, and geothermal energy systems. Mining and Quarrying: The drilling rig may be used for drilling holes in mining and quarrying operations to extract minerals or assess rock conditions. Soil Research and Agriculture: Soil Analysis: Soil scientists and agronomists can utilize the drilling rig for soil research and analysis to improve crop yields and land management practices. Agricultural Wells: It can be employed to drill agricultural wells, ensuring a reliable water supply for irrigation. Geophysical Surveys: Geophysicists can use the rig for geophysical surveys to understand subsurface conditions for various purposes, such as mineral exploration and groundwater studies. Hydrogeological Investigations: Hydrogeologists may employ the rig for drilling monitoring wells and conducting hydrogeological investigations to assess groundwater resources and water quality. Anchor Installations: The drilling rig can be used to install anchors in various applications, such as securing retaining walls, slope stabilization, and tower foundations. Remote or Challenging Locations: Its portability and versatility make it suitable for drilling in remote or challenging terrains, including mountains, forests, and areas with limited accessibility. Infrastructure Repairs: When repairing or retrofitting existing infrastructure, the rig can assist in creating holes for repair and reinforcement purposes. The HS-3 Diesel Engine Sampling Drilling Rig 's adaptability, convenience, and ability to perform various drilling and sampling tasks make it a valuable tool for professionals across multiple industries and projects. Specific applications should be determined based on project requirements, geological conditions, and environmental considerations. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Compartilhe sua opinião Seja o primeiro a escrever um comentário. FAQ Q: Which geophysical method is commonly applied in oil exploration? Four geophysical survey techniques are commonly used in the exploration for petroleum: gravity surveys, aeromagnetic surveys, electromagnetic surveys and seismic surveys. The first two are reconnaissance techniques designed to answer such questions as: Where are the sedimentary basins in an area? Q: What are the stages of exploration geology? 8 Steps of Mineral Exploration Locate Potential Deposits. One of the first steps of mineral exploration is to locate areas that are likely to yield mineral deposits. ... Claim Staking and Permitting. ... Surface Exploration. ... Early-Stage Exploration. ... Core Drilling. ... Resource Modeling. ... De-Risking. ... Production Decision. Q: What are seismic methods in mineral exploration? Seismic methods were not used for hard-rock mineral exploration until relatively recently. However, they were applied to mineral exploration in sedimentary environments because of the similarities to petroleum exploration (e.g., uranium exploration in the Athabasca Basin Q: What was the #1 reason for exploration? Finding gold and glory, as well as spreading Christianity (God), were the three primary reasons for European exploration and colonization.

  • HS16010 Drilling Mud Pump | Backpack Drill Rig

    Hans 160/10 modderpomp is een lichte horizontale triplex enkelwerkende zuigerpomp met enkele actie, het heeft veel goede eigenschappen zoals klein formaat, lichtgewicht, lange levensduur, gemakkelijk te vervoeren, goede prestaties en het gebruik van veel standaard of universele industriële onderdelen. is geschikt voor geologische prospectie. geologische engineering boren binnen 1000 meter in verschillende zoals spoorwegen, waterbehoud, metallurgie, constructie en geologie. PERFORMANCE The Hans 160/10 Mud Pump is a versatile and efficient piece of equipment designed for a range of drilling and pumping applications, particularly in geological exploration and engineering drilling. Here's a summary of its key performance characteristics and features: Light Horizontal Triplex Design: The triplex configuration, with three cylinders, provides reliable and efficient pumping performance. Its horizontal orientation ensures stability during operation. Single Action Reciprocating Piston Pump: The single-action reciprocating piston design simplifies operation and maintenance while contributing to the pump's durability and long service life. Small Size and Lightweight: The pump's compact size and lightweight construction make it highly portable and easy to transport, enhancing its mobility for fieldwork in various locations. Long Service Life: Designed for durability, the pump is built to withstand the demands of drilling operations, ensuring a long service life with minimal downtime for maintenance. Versatile Compatibility: The pump's compatibility with standard or universal industrial parts simplifies maintenance and replacement of components, reducing operational costs and downtime. Good Performance: The pump's efficient pumping capabilities ensure reliable fluid circulation during drilling operations, essential for maintaining borehole stability and collecting geological data. Suitability for Geological Prospection: The pump is well-suited for geological prospection, allowing geologists to collect core samples and assess subsurface conditions accurately. Wide Range of Applications: The pump's versatility enables its use in various industries and drilling projects, including railway, water conservancy, metallurgy, construction, and geological exploration. Drilling Depth: Capable of supporting drilling depths of up to 1000 meters, making it suitable for deep drilling projects and assessments. Efficient Fluid Circulation: In drilling operations, maintaining consistent fluid circulation is crucial for cooling the drill bit, transporting cuttings, and preventing borehole collapse. The pump's performance contributes to efficient circulation. Ease of Operation: Designed to be user-friendly, the pump allows operators to control and monitor performance easily, contributing to efficient and safe drilling operations. Environmental Considerations: Efficient fluid circulation helps minimize environmental impact by reducing the risk of borehole contamination during drilling operations. The Hans 160/10 Mud Pump's combination of portability, durability, and compatibility with standard industrial parts makes it a valuable tool for professionals and projects across various industries. Its ability to perform efficiently in different geological conditions and drilling scenarios enhances its practicality and value in a wide range of applications. Specific performance metrics and capabilities may vary based on the exact model and configuration of the pump. APPLICATION The Hans Mud Pump, with its compact and efficient design, is suitable for a wide range of applications, particularly in geological exploration, geological engineering drilling, and various industrial sectors. Here are specific applications where the pump can be effectively utilized: Geological Prospection: The pump plays a crucial role in geological prospection activities, allowing geologists to collect core samples and assess subsurface conditions accurately. It helps in identifying valuable mineral deposits, rock formations, and geological structures. Geological Engineering Drilling: In geological engineering projects, the pump is used to circulate drilling fluids during drilling operations, ensuring stable borehole conditions, collecting geological data, and minimizing borehole collapse risks. Railway Construction: The pump can be employed in railway construction projects for drilling boreholes necessary for assessing the ground conditions, soil stability, and foundation requirements. Water Conservancy Projects: Water conservancy projects often involve drilling for site assessments and groundwater studies. The pump aids in collecting samples and maintaining borehole stability in such projects. Metallurgy Industry: The metallurgy industry may use the pump for drilling boreholes to explore mineral resources, assess geological conditions, and gather samples for mineral analysis. Construction Industry: In the construction sector, the pump is valuable for drilling foundation boreholes, assessing soil quality, and determining appropriate foundation designs for buildings and infrastructure projects. Geological Surveys: Geological surveys conducted for research or environmental assessments benefit from the pump's efficient drilling fluid circulation and core sample collection capabilities. Field Exploration: Geologists and exploration teams rely on the pump to collect core samples in remote or challenging terrains during field exploration activities. Mineral Exploration: The pump is instrumental in mineral exploration projects, helping geologists and mining professionals assess ore deposits and geological conditions. Environmental Studies: The pump can be used in environmental studies to collect soil and sediment samples for pollution assessments, contaminant tracking, and groundwater monitoring. Oil and Gas Exploration: While not explicitly mentioned, the pump can also have applications in drilling operations related to oil and gas exploration, particularly in assessing subsurface formations and drilling boreholes. Research and Development: In research and development initiatives, the pump can support experimental drilling and geological sampling for academic or scientific purposes. The Hans Mud Pump's portability, durability, and compatibility with standard industrial parts make it a versatile tool for professionals and projects across various industries. Its ability to perform efficiently in different geological conditions and drilling scenarios enhances its practicality and value in a wide range of applications. Specific applications should be determined based on project requirements and geological or environmental conditions. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Fikirlerinizi Paylaşın İlk yorumu siz yazın. FAQ Q: Can you take a core sample of the earth? Core samples are cylindrical pieces drilled from soil and rock. These samples allow scientists to study the properties and geological history of the Earth — or the moon or other planets. Q: Do geologists drill holes? Geologists drill holes into the rock underground for several reasons. Probably the greatest number of wells drilled are for water and these are the ones most people are familiar with. But, usually very little rock information can be derived from them because they are either too shallow or barely drilled into bedrock. Q: Can geophysical method replace drilling? Geotechnical geophysics is not a substitute for boring or testing, but it is often a very cost-effective and reliable means of imaging the subsurface between and below boreholes and for determining the in situ bulk properties of soil and rock. Q: What is core drilling mineral exploration? Core drilling produces cores of sub-surface material and is the most commonly used method of obtaining information about the presence of minerals or precious metals, as well as rock formations. The core drilling method gives the geologist the opportunity to analyze the sample by eye as well as by more advanced methods.

  • Drilling Crawler Chassis |Hans Exploration Drill Rig

    HS30L Drilling Rig Crawler Chassis SH30-L looponderstel met rubberen torenrups Voordelen van SH30-L looponderstel met torenrubberrail: 1. Breed gebruiksbereik, eenvoudige structuur, stabiele transmissie, arbeidsbesparende verrichting, gemakkelijk om automatische controle te realiseren; 2. Geschikt voor complexe wegomstandigheden zoals moerassen, rivierstranden, woestijnen, rijstvelden, tropische regenwouden, sneeuw, enz.; 3. Grote tractie, goede klimprestaties, sterke transportcapaciteit, breed aanpassingsvermogen van de lagers; 4. Kleine draaicirkel en flexibele manoeuvreerbaarheid, vooral geschikt voor smal en complex terrein; 5. Het is snel en gemakkelijk om de machine te verplaatsen, de arbeidsintensiteit van de arbeiders is laag en de arbeidskosten worden elke dag bespaard. Afmetingen (L × B × H) 3000mmx1650mmx660mm Effectieve hoogte van de boortoren 5800 mm Versnellingsbak Eerste 3 omlaag 1 snel / langzaam Bodemvrijheid 300 mm Houd de hartafstand bij 1200 mm Klimmen hoek ≤25 graden Crewler 350mmx90mmx54 knopen Stempelcilinder platform Buitendiameter / staafdiameter x slag: Ø95 / 50mmx500mm PERFORMANCE he HS-2A Electric Engine Sampling Drilling Rig, produced by HANS, is a versatile drilling machine designed for various applications, including geological, industrial, civil engineering, and more. Based on the provided information, here are the notable features and performance aspects of this rig: Compact and Lightweight: The rig's compact structure and small volume make it highly portable and easy to transport. Its light weight further enhances its mobility, allowing it to be moved quickly between different job sites. Electric Engine: Being powered by an electric engine, this drilling rig offers environmental advantages by producing fewer emissions and less noise compared to gasoline or diesel-powered rigs. It may also be suitable for indoor or urban drilling operations where emissions need to be minimized. Two Gears: The inclusion of two gears provides flexibility in drilling operations. Different gear settings allow the operator to adjust drilling speed and power according to the specific requirements of the project, whether it's for sampling, grouting, or other drilling tasks. Versatility: The rig's versatility is highlighted by its suitability for a wide range of applications. It can be used for geological exploration, civil engineering projects (e.g., building foundations, bridges, highways), geophysical surveys, advanced drilling and grouting tasks, as well as well-checking for small household wells. Ease of Movement: The rig's design makes it easy to move from one location to another. This is particularly important when working in remote or challenging terrains or when frequent relocation is required during a project. Drilling Depth and Capability: Specific drilling depth and capability details may vary depending on the model and configuration, but the rig should be capable of drilling to sufficient depths for the intended applications. Safety Features: Safety considerations are crucial in drilling operations. The rig may incorporate safety features to protect the operator and ensure safe drilling practices. Sample Handling: The rig is likely equipped with mechanisms for handling and storing collected samples securely until further analysis can be conducted. Proper sample handling is essential for accurate geological or environmental assessments. Environmental Impact: Electric drilling rigs are often chosen for their reduced environmental impact. This feature aligns with environmental regulations and standards for drilling operations. Control System: The rig may feature a user-friendly control system that allows the operator to adjust drilling parameters easily, enhancing precision and efficiency during drilling. Overall, the HS-2A Electric Engine Sampling Drilling Rig from HANS appears to offer a combination of mobility, versatility, and environmental considerations, making it suitable for a wide range of drilling and sampling applications in geological, industrial, and civil engineering contexts. Specific performance metrics and capabilities would depend on the exact model and configuration chosen for a given project. APPLICATION The 2CS Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig has a variety of applications across different industries due to its ability to collect subsurface samples efficiently. The applications for this type of drilling rig: Geological Exploration: This rig is extensively used in geological surveys and exploration to collect rock and soil samples. Geologists use these samples to analyze the composition of the Earth's crust, identify mineral deposits, and study the geological history of an area. Environmental Site Assessments: Environmental scientists and engineers use the drilling rig for site assessments. It allows them to sample soil and groundwater to assess the presence of contaminants and potential environmental hazards. This information is crucial for environmental impact assessments and remediation projects. Mineral Prospecting: In the mining industry, this drilling rig is employed to identify and evaluate mineral resources beneath the surface. Geologists and mining engineers use the collected samples to determine the quality and quantity of valuable minerals, such as ores and precious metals. Groundwater Monitoring: Hydrogeologists use the rig to access underground aquifers and collect water samples for groundwater quality analysis. Monitoring groundwater is essential for managing water resources and ensuring its suitability for consumption and industrial use. Construction and Engineering: Engineers often use this type of drilling rig for soil sampling during construction projects. It helps in assessing soil stability, composition, and bearing capacity to ensure safe and stable construction. Soil Research: Soil scientists and agronomists utilize the rig to study soil properties, nutrient content, and contamination levels. This information is valuable for agricultural research, land use planning, and soil conservation efforts. Foundation Design: Structural engineers employ the rig to collect soil samples to design foundations for buildings and infrastructure projects. Understanding soil characteristics is critical for ensuring the stability and safety of structures. Archeological Excavations: Archaeologists may use this drilling rig to explore historical or archaeological sites. It can help them collect samples from various layers of sediment to uncover artifacts and understand past civilizations. Natural Resource Management: The rig is used in natural resource management to assess the environmental impact of resource extraction activities, such as oil and gas drilling, and to monitor the condition of ecosystems. Research and Education: Academic institutions and research organizations use these drilling rigs for scientific research and educational purposes, teaching students about geological and environmental sampling techniques. The versatility of the 2CS Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig makes it a valuable tool in various fields where subsurface sampling and data collection are essential. Its portability and adaptability make it suitable for both fieldwork in remote locations and urban environments, where precise information about the subsurface is required for decision-making and analysis. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Partagez vos idées Soyez le premier à rédiger un commentaire. FAQ Q: What diameter is HQ core? Tube sizes SizeHole (outside) diameter, mmCore (inside) diameter, mm HQ9663.5 HQ39661.1 PQ122.685 PQ3122.683 Q: What is HX core size? Letter name specifying the dimensions of core, core barrels, and casing in the H-size and X-series wireline diamond drilling system having a core diameter of 76.2 mm and a hole diameter of 99.2 mm. The HX designation for coring bits has been replaced by the HW designation. Q: What is the difference between HQ3 and PQ3? HQ3 = 63.5mm diameter core, resulting in a 96mm diameter hole. PQ3 = 83mm diameter core, resulting in a 122.3mm diameter hole. Q: What is the diameter of HQ rod? Standard SERIESrod OD (mm)rod ID (mm) BQ / BRQ55.646.1 BRQTK (THIN KERF)55.848.4 NQ / NRQ69.960.3 HQ / HRQ88.977.8

  • Gasoline Electric Drilling Rig | Backpack Drill Bits

    Huis / Benzine-elektrische bemonsteringsboorinstallatie / Boorinstallatie voor elektrische bemonstering in twee fasen Tweefasige elektrische bemonsteringsboorinstallatie is een tweefasige elektrische bemonsteringsboorinstallatie geproduceerd door Shandong Master Machinery Group. Het is geschikt voor alle soorten geologische verkenning, zoals industriële en civiele gebouwen, bruggen, spoorwegen, wegen enzovoort. HS-1A tweefasige elektrische bemonsteringsboorinstallatie is slechts 80 kg; hoogte is minder dan 2 meter, en de boorinstallatie kan de structuur opsplitsen. Daarom is het gemakkelijk te verplaatsen en te bedienen. Driefasige boorinstallatie voor elektrische bemonstering driefasige boorinstallatie voor elektrische bemonstering, geproduceerd door Shandong Master Machinery Group. Het is geschikt voor industriële en civiele gebouwen, bruggen, spoorwegen, wegen, nutsvoorzieningen en andere sectoren van de geologische verkenning. Application Geotechnical Investigations: Used to determine subsurface conditions for construction and engineering projects, ensuring proper foundation design. Mineral Exploration: Employed for collecting core samples to assess the mineral content and geological characteristics of an area in mining and mineral exploration. Environmental Site Assessment: Used for collecting soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination and plan site remediation in environmental studies. Construction Projects: Used to assess soil conditions for building construction, road construction, and infrastructure development. Research and Surveys: Essential in geological surveys and research projects to gather data about the Earth's subsurface. Water Well Drilling: In some cases, it can be adapted for drilling water wells to access groundwater sources. In summary, a "Two and Three Phase Electric Sampling Drilling Rig" offers flexibility in terms of its power supply options, making it suitable for various drilling and sampling tasks in geological, environmental, and construction applications. It plays a crucial role in collecting subsurface samples for analysis and decision-making in these fields. Performance Geotechnical Investigations: Used to determine subsurface conditions for construction and engineering projects, ensuring proper foundation design. Mineral Exploration: Employed for collecting core samples to assess the mineral content and geological characteristics of an area in mining and mineral exploration. Environmental Site Assessment: Used for collecting soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination and plan site remediation in environmental studies. Construction Projects: Used to assess soil conditions for building construction, road construction, and infrastructure development. Research and Surveys: Essential in geological surveys and research projects to gather data about the Earth's subsurface. Water Well drilling : In some cases, it can be adapted for drilling water wells to access groundwater sources. In summary, a "Two and Three Phase Electric Sampling Drilling Rig" offers flexibility in terms of its power supply options, making it suitable for various drilling and sampling tasks in geological, environmental, and construction applications. It plays a crucial role in collecting subsurface samples for analysis and decision-making in these fields. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Podělte se o vaše myšlenky Buďte první, kdo napíše komentář. FAQ Q: What is core drilling mineral exploration? Core drilling produces cores of sub-surface material and is the most commonly used method of obtaining information about the presence of minerals or precious metals, as well as rock formations. The core drilling method gives the geologist the opportunity to analyze the sample by eye as well as by more advanced methods. Q: What are the 3 types of exploration? You can use the phrase to introduce a list or description of different kinds of exploration, such as scientific, archaeological, or literary exploration. For example: "This essay will discuss several types of exploration, including scientific, archaeological and literary exploration.". Q: What is a core drill in mining? What is core drilling in mining? Core drilling is the process of using a hollow centred drill bit to produce cylindrical rock cores from a rock mass . A core bit cuts in rock drilling or in boring earth material. It's made out of diamond or ring of small roller cones and steel teeth. Q: Why is drilling and core logging important in mineral exploration? CORE LOGS ARE USED TO MODEL POTENTIAL ORE DEPOSITS, DETERMINE SIZE, GRADE, AND MINE FEASIBILITY THE QUALITY OF CORE LOGGING IS CRITICAL TO ACCURATE REPORTING OF MINERAL RESOURCES AT ALL STAGES OF EXPLORATION AND MINING AS EXPLORATION GEOLOGISTS, CORE LOGGING IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT & FREQUENT JOBS THE INDUSTRY ...

  • Drilling Crawler Chassis |Hans Exploration Drill Rig

    HS-1 / 1A rubberen rupsonderstel Voordelen van HS-1 / 1A rubberen rupsonderstel: 1. Brede waaier van gebruik, eenvoudige structuur, stabiele transmissie, arbeidsbesparende verrichting, gemakkelijk om automatische controle te realiseren. 2. Geschikt voor complexe wegomstandigheden zoals moerassen, rivierstranden, woestijnen, rijstvelden, tropische regenwouden, sneeuw, enz. 3. Grote tractie, goede klimprestaties, sterke transportcapaciteit en breed aanpassingsvermogen van de lagers. 4. Kleine draaicirkel en flexibele manoeuvreerbaarheid, vooral geschikt voor smal en complex terrein. 5. Kan worden aangepast aan HS150B, HS150T, HS-30-2A, HS200-1A en andere modellen. 6. De boortoren hs-1A wordt hydraulisch opgevijzeld, het is handig om de toren te sluiten en de machine te verplaatsen, en het rendement is hoog. parameter Afmetingen (L × B × H) 3000mmx1650mmx660mm Effectieve hoogte van de boortoren 6200 mm Versnellingsbak Eerste 3 omlaag 1 snel / langzaam Bodemvrijheid 300 mm Houd de hartafstand bij 1200 mm Klimmen hoek ≤25 graden Crewler 350mmx90mmx54 knopen Stempelcilinder platform Stangdiameter x slag: Ø50mmx500mm Opmerking HS-1 rubberen rupsonderstel zonder boortoren PERFORMANCE The HS-1/1A rubber crawler chassis is a versatile and robust component that can be used in various applications. Here are the key performance parameters and advantages of the HS-1/1A rubber crawler chassis: Performance Parameters: Wide Range of Use: The rubber crawler chassis is suitable for a wide range of applications due to its adaptability to different terrains and simple structure. Stable Transmission: The chassis features a stable transmission system, ensuring reliable and consistent performance in various conditions. Labor-Saving Operation: It is designed for labor-saving operation, reducing the physical strain on operators during its use. Automatic Control: The chassis can be easily integrated with automatic control systems, enhancing its versatility and functionality. Terrain Adaptability: It is well-suited for complex road conditions such as swamps, river beaches, deserts, paddy fields, tropical rainforests, snow, and more. Large Traction: The chassis offers a large traction force, making it capable of handling heavy loads and challenging terrains. Climbing Performance: It exhibits good climbing performance, enabling it to traverse steep or uneven terrain with ease. Transportation Capacity: The chassis has a strong transportation capacity, allowing it to carry substantial loads. Wide Bearing Adaptability: It can accommodate a wide range of bearing requirements, making it compatible with various equipment and applications. Small Turning Radius: The chassis features a small turning radius, providing excellent maneuverability, especially in narrow or confined spaces. Advantages: Versatility: The rubber crawler chassis can be paired with multiple models, including HS150B, HS150T, HS-30-2A, HS200-1A, and others, enhancing its adaptability to different equipment and tasks. Hydraulic Jacking: The HS-1A drilling tower is equipped with hydraulic jacking capabilities, making it convenient to raise and lower the tower as needed. This feature enhances efficiency during setup and transportation. Flexibility: The chassis's ability to operate in a wide range of environments and its compatibility with various equipment models make it a flexible choice for different industries and applications. Maneuverability: Its small turning radius and agile maneuverability are particularly advantageous in navigating narrow or complex terrains. Reliability: The stable transmission system and robust construction contribute to the chassis's reliability, ensuring consistent performance in demanding conditions. Labor Savings: The design of the chassis aims to reduce the physical effort required by operators, improving overall efficiency. Automatic Control: The chassis's compatibility with automatic control systems allows for enhanced precision and control in specific applications. Please note that specific performance parameters, such as load capacity, speed, and dimensions, would depend on the exact model and configuration of the HS-1/1A rubber crawler chassis. These parameters should be obtained from the manufacturer or supplier for precise specifications. APPLICATION The 2CS Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig has a variety of applications across different industries due to its ability to collect subsurface samples efficiently. The applications for this type of drilling rig: Geological Exploration: This rig is extensively used in geological surveys and exploration to collect rock and soil samples. Geologists use these samples to analyze the composition of the Earth's crust, identify mineral deposits, and study the geological history of an area. Environmental Site Assessments: Environmental scientists and engineers use the drilling rig for site assessments. It allows them to sample soil and groundwater to assess the presence of contaminants and potential environmental hazards. This information is crucial for environmental impact assessments and remediation projects. Mineral Prospecting: In the mining industry, this drilling rig is employed to identify and evaluate mineral resources beneath the surface. Geologists and mining engineers use the collected samples to determine the quality and quantity of valuable minerals, such as ores and precious metals. Groundwater Monitoring: Hydrogeologists use the rig to access underground aquifers and collect water samples for groundwater quality analysis. Monitoring groundwater is essential for managing water resources and ensuring its suitability for consumption and industrial use. Construction and Engineering: Engineers often use this type of drilling rig for soil sampling during construction projects. It helps in assessing soil stability, composition, and bearing capacity to ensure safe and stable construction. Soil Research: Soil scientists and agronomists utilize the rig to study soil properties, nutrient content, and contamination levels. This information is valuable for agricultural research, land use planning, and soil conservation efforts. Foundation Design: Structural engineers employ the rig to collect soil samples to design foundations for buildings and infrastructure projects. Understanding soil characteristics is critical for ensuring the stability and safety of structures. Archeological Excavations: Archaeologists may use this drilling rig to explore historical or archaeological sites. It can help them collect samples from various layers of sediment to uncover artifacts and understand past civilizations. Natural Resource Management: The rig is used in natural resource management to assess the environmental impact of resource extraction activities, such as oil and gas drilling, and to monitor the condition of ecosystems. Research and Education: Academic institutions and research organizations use these drilling rigs for scientific research and educational purposes, teaching students about geological and environmental sampling techniques. The versatility of the 2CS Gasoline Engine Sampling Drilling Rig makes it a valuable tool in various fields where subsurface sampling and data collection are essential. Its portability and adaptability make it suitable for both fieldwork in remote locations and urban environments, where precise information about the subsurface is required for decision-making and analysis. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. FAQ Q: Is rotary drilling same as core drilling? There are two types of rotary boring, open-hole and core drilling. Material recovered from open-hole drilling is mixed with the drilling lubricant. It is unsuitable for effective sampling, and it is often difficult to observe and record the strata. Q: Which type of drilling is used for exploration purpose? Depending on the purpose and budget of the project, there are several types of drilling methods available, but reverse circulation and diamond are by far the most common for mineral exploration. Q: What is the difference between exploration drilling and appraisal drilling? Exploration wells (or wildcat wells) are drilled for exploration purposes in new areas. The location of the exploration well is determined by geologists. Appraisal wells are those drilled to assess the characteristics of a proven petroleum reserve such as flow rate. Q: What are the examples of exploratory drilling? There are two main methods of exploratory drilling. Core drilling, yields a solid cylinder shaped sample of the ground at an exact depth. Percussion drilling, or Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling yields a crushed sample, comprising cuttings from a fairly well determined depth in the hole.

  • 2T Exploration Backpack Drill Rig| Hans Backpack Drill Rig Equipment

    HS-2T Verticale rugzakkernboorinstallatie Huis / Ondiepe rugzakboormachine / HS-2T 36/46 draagbare rugzakboormachine / HS-2T Vertical Backpack Core Drilling Rig is een verwijderbare boorinstallatie voor kernmonsters. De installatie wordt voornamelijk gebruikt in minerale exploratie, geochemische exploratie, ondiepe bemonstering, geowetenschappelijk onderzoek, geotechniek, technisch onderzoek, olieveldexploratie, waterconservancy engineering-onderzoek, snelweg engineering-onderzoek enzovoort. De belangrijkste kenmerken van hs-2L verticale rugzakkern booreiland zijn compacte structuur, afneembaar, klein volume, licht van gewicht, gemakkelijk mee te nemen; geïmporteerde benzinemotor van het merk Kohler met groot vermogen en gegarandeerde boordiepte met boorframe. Gebruik in het veld is handiger en veiliger. Application The HS-2T Vertical Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is a portable and versatile drilling system designed for geological and environmental exploration. It offers several key features and applications: Applications: Geological Exploration: The HS-2T Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is commonly used for geological surveys and exploration projects. It can drill into various types of geological formations, including rocks, soils, and sediments, to collect core samples for analysis. Mineral Prospecting: Geologists and mining professionals use this rig to prospect for valuable minerals and ores. It allows for the collection of mineral samples from different depths in the Earth's subsurface. Environmental Site Assessment: The rig is suitable for conducting environmental site assessments. It helps in collecting soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination levels and environmental impact. Construction and Engineering: The HS-2T Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig can be used in construction and engineering projects to gather soil and rock samples for site characterization, foundation design, and soil stability analysis. Research and Education: It is also used in research Performance institutions and educational settings for training students and conducting scientific experiments related to earth sciences. Performance: Drilling Depth: The HS-2T Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig offers a substantial drilling depth capacity, allowing operators to reach greater depths for sample collection. Core Sample Quality: It is designed to provide high-quality core samples with minimal disturbance, ensuring accurate representation of geological formations. Drilling Speed: The rig offers efficient drilling speeds, increasing productivity and reducing the time required for sample collection. Versatility: It can adapt to various geological conditions, making it suitable for different types of drilling projects. Portability: The backpack design makes it highly portable and easy to transport to remote or challenging terrains. Ease of Operation: User-friendly controls and quick assembly make it easy to operate in the field. Safety: The rig incorporates safety features to protect operators during drilling operations. Sample Handling: It includes mechanisms for efficient sample handling, such as core barrel retrieval systems and storage solutions. Durability and Reliability: The HS-2T Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is built to withstand harsh field conditions and provide reliable performance. Environmental Impact: It is designed to minimize soil and groundwater disturbance during drilling , reducing its environmental impact. The HS-2T Vertical Ba ckpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is a valuable tool for professionals and researchers involved in geological and environmental exploration. Its performance and versatility make it suitable for a wide range of applications in the earth sciences and related fields. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. FAQ Q: How much water does a drill rig take during the operation? Water use per well can be anywhere from about 1.5 million gallons to about 16 million gallons. Q: Which type of drilling is used for exploration purpose? Depending on the purpose and budget of the project, there are several types of drilling methods available, but reverse circulation and diamond are by far the most common for mineral exploration. Q: What is the purpose of a drill rig? A drilling rig is a machine that makes holes in the earth's surface. The drilling rigs can be very big structures that hold equipment that is used to make water wells, natural gas extraction wells, or oil wells. Q: The seven steps of oil and natural gas extraction STEP 1: Preparing the Rig Site. ... STEP 2: Drilling. ... STEP 3: Cementing and Testing. ... STEP 4: Well Completion. ... STEP 5: Fracking. ... STEP 6: Production and Fracking Fluid Recycling. ... STEP 7: Well Abandonment and Land Restoration.

  • 26/36 Exploration Backpack Drill Rig| Hans Backpack Drill Rig Equipment

    HSB-1 26 mm en 36 mm rugzakboormachine Huis / Ondiepe rugzakboormachine / HSB-1 26/36 draagbare rugzakboormachine / De HSB-1 rugzakkernboorinstallatie is een kernboorinstallatie die tot 20 meter kan boren. Door het draagbare ontwerp past het tuig in krappere ruimtes dan traditionele grotere boorplatforms, maar heeft het nog steeds voldoende kracht om de klus te klaren. Deze rig is perfect voor boren op afgelegen locaties. Toepassingen van HS-1 rugzakkernboorinstallatie minerale prospectie geotechnische Bouwkunde geo-wetenschappelijk onderzoek tunnel voering verbogen boog detectie snelweg engineering geologische verkenning waterbouwkunde geologisch verkennend olie-exploratie lode vooruitzicht Kenmerken van de HS-1 rugzakkernboorinstallatie draagbaar: een complete set HS-1 kan worden verpakt in een rugzak die door één volwassene kan worden gedragen efficiëntie en effectief: HS-1 kan in bijna elk type bodemgesteldheid werken gemakkelijk te demonteren eenvoudig te bedienen Application The HSB-1 backpack core drilling rig comes in two variants with drill bit diameters of 26mm and 36mm. These portable and versatile drilling systems have various applications and performance characteristics: HSB-1 26mm backpack core drilling rig : Applications: Geological Exploration: This rig is commonly used for geological surveys and exploration. It can drill into rocks, soils, and sediments to collect core samples for analysis. Mineral Prospecting: Geologists and mining professionals use this rig to prospect for valuable minerals and ores. It allows for the collection of mineral samples from different depths in the Earth's subsurface. Environmental Site Assessment: The HSB-1 26mm backpack core drilling rig is suitable for conducting environmental site assessments. It helps collect soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination levels and environmental impact. Construction and Engineering: The rig can be used in construction and engineering projects to gather soil and rock samples for site characterization, foundation design, and soil stability analysis. Research and Education: It is also used in research institutions and educational settings for training students and conducting scientific experiments related to earth sciences. Performance Drilling Depth: The 26mm variant offers a substantial drilling depth capacity, allowing operators to reach greater depths for sample collection. Core Sample Quality: It is designed to provide high-quality core samples with minimal disturbance, ensuring accurate representation of geological formations. Drilling Speed: The rig offers efficient drilling speeds, increasing productivity and reducing the time required for sample collection. Versatility: It can adapt to various geological conditions, making it suitable for different types of drilling projects. Portability: The backpack design makes it highly portable and easy to transport to remote or challenging terrains. Ease of Operation: User-friendly controls and quick assembly make it easy to operate in the field. Safety: The rig incorporates safety features to protect operators during drilling operations. Sample Handling: It includes mechanisms for efficient sample handling, such as core barrel retrieval systems and storage solutions. Durability and Reliability: The HSB-1 26mm backpack core drilling rig is built to withstand harsh field conditions and provide reliable performance. Environmental Impact: It is designed to minimize soil and groundwater disturbance during drilling , reducing its environmental impact. HSB-1 36mm backpack core drilling rig : The 36mm variant shares the same applications and general performance characteristics as the 26mm version. However, it offers a larger drill bit diameter, allowing for the collection of slightly larger core samples. Both variants of the HSB-1 backpack core drilling rig are valuable tools for professionals and researchers involved in geological and environmental exploration. Their performance and versatility make them suitable for a wide range of applications in the earth sciences and related fields. The choice between the 26mm and 36mm variants depends on specific project requirements and the desired core sample size. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Поделитесь своим мнением Добавьте первый комментарий. FAQ Q: What are the 4 steps in the drilling process? A typical drilling process has the following stages: 1. Preparation. Preparing a drilling site involves ensuring that it can be properly accessed and that the area where the rig and other equipment will be placed has been properly graded. ... 2. Drilling. Vertical Drilling. ... 3. Well Completion. ... 4. Production. ... 5. Well Abandonment. Q: Why should a drill rig be clean? A clean oil rig goes beyond appearance, as it makes for more efficient operation and is essential in providing a safer workplace for employees. Q: How many people work on a drill rig? Drilling rig crews are generally made up of six (6) people: Rig Manager, Driller, Derrickhand, Motorhand, Floorhand, and Leasehand. Each crew works 12 hours shifts as the rig operates 24 hours per day, and each position is vital to the operation of the rig. Q: What drill rig is most commonly used? Most drill rigs are of the rotary rig type. Today's rotary drill rig consists of multiple engines (gas, diesel) that supply power, hoisting equipment that raises and lowers the drill string (drill pipe), and rotating equipment that turns the drill string and the drill bit at the bottom of the hole.

  • HS-2 backpack exploration core drilling rig is a revolutionary portable geologic

    Huis / Ondiepe rugzakboormachine / HSB2 26/36 draagbare rugzakboormachine / HS-2 rugzak exploratie kernboorinstallatie is een revolutionaire draagbare geologische kernboorinstallatie die is gemaakt in China. Als u een rugzakboormachine met grote pk's wilt kopen, identificeer dan "HANS" rugzakboormachine. Deze draagbare rig is specifiek bedoeld voor mineraalonderzoek, olie-exploratie, geologisch onderzoek en exploratie. We hebben tien jaar ervaring in het produceren van kernboorinstallaties. Shandong Master Machinery Group is van mening dat de rugzakboorinstallatie u veel voldoening zal geven en uw werk perfect zal doen. Toepassingen van HS-2 rugzakkernboorinstallatie minerale prospectie geotechnische Bouwkunde geo-wetenschappelijk onderzoek tunnel voering verbogen boog detectie snelweg engineering geologische verkenning waterbouwkunde geologisch verkennend olie-exploratie lode vooruitzicht Kenmerken van de HS-2 rugzakkernboorinstallatie compact en draagbaar eenvoudig te bedienen eenvoudig te monteren en demonteren gemakkelijk te verplaatsen m Application The HSB-1 Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig comes in two variants with drill bit diameters of 26mm and 36mm. These portable and versatile drilling systems have various applications and performance characteristics: HSB-1 26mm Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig : Applications: Geological Exploration: This rig is commonly used for geological surveys and exploration. It can drill into rocks, soils, and sediments to collect core samples for analysis. Mineral Prospecting: Geologists and mining professionals use this rig to prospect for valuable minerals and ores. It allows for the collection of mineral samples from different depths in the Earth's subsurface. Environmental Site Assessment: The HSB-1 26mm Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is suitable for conducting environmental site assessments. It helps collect soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination levels and environmental impact. Construction and Engineering: The rig can be used in construction and engineering projects to gather soil and rock samples for site characterization, foundation design, and soil stability analysis. Research and Education: It is also used in research institutions and educational settings for training students and conducting scientific experiments related to earth sciences. Performance Drilling Depth: The 26mm variant offers a substantial drilling depth capacity, allowing operators to reach greater depths for sample collection. Core Sample Quality: It is designed to provide high-quality core samples with minimal disturbance, ensuring accurate representation of geological formations. Drilling Speed: The rig offers efficient drilling speeds, increasing productivity and reducing the time required for sample collection. Versatility: It can adapt to various geological conditions, making it suitable for different types of drilling projects. AEase of Operation: User-friendly controls and quick assembly make it easy to operate in the field. Safety: The rig incorporates safety features to protect operators during drilling operations. Sample Handling: It includes mechanisms for efficient sample handling, such as core barrel retrieval systems and storage solutions. Durability and Reliability: The HSB-1 26mm Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig is built to withstand harsh field conditions and provide reliable performance. Environmental Impact: It is designed to minimize soil and groundwater disturbance during drilling , reducing its environmental impact. HSB-1 36mm Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig : The 36mm variant shares the same applications and general performance characteristics as the 26mm version. However, it offers a larger drill bit diameter, allowing for the collection of slightly larger core samples. Both variants of the HSB-1 Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are valuable tools for professionals and researchers involved in geological and environmental exploration. Their performance and versatility make them suitable for a wide range of applications in the earth sciences and related fields. The choice between the 26mm and 36mm variants depends on specific project requirements and the desired core sample size. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Ibahagi ang Iyong Mga Iniisip Mauna sa pagkomento. FAQ Q: How are drill rigs powered? Historically, coal was used to generate the power for drilling rigs; however, modern drilling rigs use other sources of fuel. Typically, modern rigs are now run using an internal combustion engine with diesel or lease fuel. Diesel oil is a petroleum-based fuel that is a product of the distillation process. Q: What is the maintenance of a drilling rig? Daily maintenance checks should include: Inspecting for Leaks: Check all components for signs of leaks, such as fluid drips or stains. Pay particular attention to hydraulic lines, connections, and valves. Checking Oil and Fluid Levels: Ensure that oil, hydraulic fluid, and other fluids are at appropriate levels. Q: Why is exploration drilling important? Drilling is used to search for mineral occurrences or clues in the rocks that may lead to mineral deposits. The information gathered during this stage may or may not lead to a discovery of valuable minerals. Drilling penetrates deep into the ground and brings up samples of whatever it finds on its way. Q:What size is exploration drilling? SizeHole (outside) diameter, mmCore (inside) diameter, mm AQ4827 BQ6036.5 NQ75.747.6 HQ9663.5 HQ39661.1 PQ122.685 PQ3122.683 CHD 7675.743.5 CHD 101101.363.5 CHD 134134.085.0

  • Portable Exploration Backpack Drill Rig | Hans Exploration Drill Rig

    Huis / Ondiepe rugzakboormachine / Rig veldervaringen / Ondiepe rugzak Diamond Exploration Core Drill Rig Op grote schaal gebruikt in minerale exploratie --- Geo-chemische exploratie naar ondiepe bemonsteringssonde aderen, geo-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, geo-technisch Engineering , technisch onderzoek en detectie, exploratie van olieveld en anderen. minerale prospectie geotechnische Bouwkunde geowetenschappelijk onderzoek tunnel voering verbogen boog detectie snelweg engineering geologische verkenning waterbouwkunde geologisch verkennend olie-exploratie lode vooruitzicht Field Experiences Field experiences with Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig have shown their effectiveness and versatility in various applications. Here are some common field experiences and advantages associated with backpack drilling rigs : Portability: Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs are highly portable, allowing operators to access remote or challenging locations with ease. This portability is particularly valuable in geological exploration, environmental sampling, and research projects where mobility is essential. Versatility: These Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs can accommodate different drill bit sizes and types, making them versatile for various drilling tasks. Users can switch between drill bit to match specific geological formations or sampling requirements. Ease of Transport: Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs are lightweight and designed for ergonomic carrying. They can be transported to the drilling site without the need for heavy machinery or extensive setup. Minimal Environmental Impact: Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs have a smaller footprint and lower impact on the environment compared to larger drilling equipment. This is important in environmentally sensitive areas. Quick Setup: Setting up a Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs is relatively quick, allowing operators to start drilling sooner. This is valuable for time-sensitive projects. Reduced Costs: The use of Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs can reduce overall project costs. They eliminate the need for large drilling teams and heavy machinery, making drilling operations more cost-effective. Precision: Operators can maintain greater control and precision with Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs , ensuring accurate drilling depths and sample collection. Safety: Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are often equipped with safety features such as emergency shutdown switches and protective guards, enhancing operator safety during drilling operations. Access to Remote Sites: These Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are ideal for reaching remote or challenging terrains where larger drilling equipment cannot access. This extends the range of exploration and research possibilities. Sample Quality: Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig allow for the collection of high-quality soil, rock, or core samples, which are critical for accurate geological analysis and environmental assessments. Research and Education: Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig are commonly used in research and educational fieldwork, providing students and scientists with hands-on experience in geology, environmental science, and related fields. Low Noise and Vibration: These Backpack Exploration Core Drill Rig produce less noise and vibration compared to larger drilling equipment, reducing disturbance to wildlife and nearby communities. Overall, Backpack Exploration Core Drill rigs offer a practical solution for fieldwork that demands mobility, versatility, and precision. Their compact design and ease of use make them valuable tools for professionals in geological, environmental, and research disciplines. How to Buy Request an Equipment Quote Ready to buy stuff from Flexible,Request a quote now. Request an Quote Buy Browse Parts and equpments on our store Shop Now Reviews comments debug Opmerkingen Plaats een opmerking Plaats een opmerking Deel je gedachten Plaats de eerste opmerking. FAQ Q: What is the basic principle of drilling? Drilling is a cutting process where a drill bit is spun to cut a hole of circular cross-section in solid materials. The drill bit is usually a rotary cutting tool, often multi-point. The bit is pressed against the work-piece and rotated at rates from hundreds to thousands of revolutions per minute. Q: What are the two techniques of drilling? Drilling is a cutting operation which uses a drill bit to cut a hole of a circular cross-section in a solid material. It is helpful in drilling water wells, oil wells, and natural gas extraction wells. Q: What are drilling techniques? Here are five of the most common drilling methods used in extracting oil and gas: Percussion or Cable Drilling. Rotary Drilling. Dual-Wall Reverse-Circulation Drilling. Electro-Drilling. Q: What are the 5 parts of a drill? The main parts of a drilling machine are listed below: * Base. The base of the drilling machine supports the machine and can either be fixed to a workshop floor or mounted to a work table in the case of smaller machines. ... * Column. ... * Arm. ... * Drill Head. ... * Worktable. ... * Feed Mechanism. ... * Spindle. ... * Chuck.

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