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HSB-1 26mm und 36mm Rucksackbohrgerät

Das HSB-1-Rucksackkernbohrgerät ist ein Kernbohrgerät, das bis zu 20 Meter bohren kann. Das tragbare Design ermöglicht es dem Rig, in engere Räume zu passen als herkömmliche größere Bohrgeräte, verfügt jedoch über ausreichend Leistung, um die Arbeit zu erledigen. Dieses Bohrgerät eignet sich perfekt zum Bohren an abgelegenen Orten.

Anwendungen des HS-1 Rucksackkernbohrgeräts

  • Mineraliensuche

  • Geotechnik

  • geowissenschaftliche Forschung

  • Tunnelauskleidung

  • gebogene Bogenerkennung

  • geologische Erkundung des Straßenbaus

  • geologische Erkundung des Wasserbaus

  • Ölexploration

  • Lode Aussicht

Merkmale des HS-1-Rucksackkernbohrgeräts

  • tragbar: Ein kompletter Satz HS-1 kann in einen Rucksack gepackt werden, der von einem Erwachsenen getragen werden kann

  • Effizienz und Effektivität: HS-1 kann unter nahezu allen Bodenbedingungen eingesetzt werden

  • leicht zu zerlegen

  • einfach zu bedienen


The HSB-1 backpack core drilling rig comes in two variants with drill bit diameters of 26mm and 36mm. These portable and versatile drilling systems have various applications and performance characteristics:

HSB-1 26mm backpack core drilling rig :


  1. Geological Exploration: This rig is commonly used for geological surveys and exploration. It can drill into rocks, soils, and sediments to collect core samples for analysis.

  2. Mineral Prospecting: Geologists and mining professionals use this rig to prospect for valuable minerals and ores. It allows for the collection of mineral samples from different depths in the Earth's subsurface.

  3. Environmental Site Assessment: The HSB-1 26mm backpack core drilling rig is suitable for conducting environmental site assessments. It helps collect soil and groundwater samples to assess contamination levels and environmental impact.

  4. Construction and Engineering: The rig can be used in construction and engineering projects to gather soil and rock samples for site characterization, foundation design, and soil stability analysis.

  5. Research and Education: It is also used in research institutions and educational settings for training students and conducting scientific experiments related to earth sciences.

  1. Drilling Depth: The 26mm variant offers a substantial drilling depth capacity, allowing operators to reach greater depths for sample collection.

  2. Core Sample Quality: It is designed to provide high-quality core samples with minimal disturbance, ensuring accurate representation of geological formations.

  3. Drilling Speed: The rig offers efficient drilling speeds, increasing productivity and reducing the time required for sample collection.

  4. Versatility: It can adapt to various geological conditions, making it suitable for different types of drilling projects.

  5. Portability: The backpack design makes it highly portable and easy to transport to remote or challenging terrains.

  6. Ease of Operation: User-friendly controls and quick assembly make it easy to operate in the field.

  7. Safety: The rig incorporates safety features to protect operators during drilling operations.

  8. Sample Handling: It includes mechanisms for efficient sample handling, such as core barrel retrieval systems and storage solutions.

  9. Durability and Reliability: The HSB-1 26mm backpack core drilling rig is built to withstand harsh field conditions and provide reliable performance.

  10. Environmental Impact: It is designed to minimize soil and groundwater disturbance during drilling, reducing its environmental impact.

  11. HSB-1 36mm backpack core drilling rig :

  12. The 36mm variant shares the same applications and general performance characteristics as the 26mm version. However, it offers a larger drill bit diameter, allowing for the collection of slightly larger core samples.

  13. Both variants of the HSB-1 backpack core drilling rig are valuable tools for professionals and researchers involved in geological and environmental exploration. Their performance and versatility make them suitable for a wide range of applications in the earth sciences and related fields. The choice between the 26mm and 36mm variants depends on specific project requirements and the desired core sample size.

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Q: What are the 4 steps in the drilling process?

A typical drilling process has the following stages: 1. Preparation. Preparing a drilling site involves ensuring that it can be properly accessed and that the area where the rig and other equipment will be placed has been properly graded. ... 2. Drilling. Vertical Drilling. ... 3. Well Completion. ... 4. Production. ... 5. Well Abandonment.

Q: Why should a drill rig be clean?

A clean oil rig goes beyond appearance, as it makes for more efficient operation and is essential in providing a safer workplace for employees.

Q: How many people work on a drill rig?

Drilling rig crews are generally made up of six (6) people: Rig Manager, Driller, Derrickhand, Motorhand, Floorhand, and Leasehand. Each crew works 12 hours shifts as the rig operates 24 hours per day, and each position is vital to the operation of the rig.

Q: What drill rig is most commonly used?

Most drill rigs are of the rotary rig type. Today's rotary drill rig consists of multiple engines (gas, diesel) that supply power, hoisting equipment that raises and lowers the drill string (drill pipe), and rotating equipment that turns the drill string and the drill bit at the bottom of the hole.

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